Chapter 33: Bewilderment

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A.N: Whoooooo!!!!!!! I'm back from my break and I bring chapters!!!!!! Thank you for your patience and all of your support. I am seriously so sorry for the long, long wait. I'm a dick, I know, but so is school and unfortunately I need an education to survive in modern day's society. I don't want to drag this out, so please vote/comment and (hopefully) enjoy, cuz shit's getting real, too fast for our favourite King Explosion Murder to keep up.

Without further adue.....

Katsuki's P.O.V:
"This is risky." Todoroki says, waving a hand boredly over the flame on the tip of his finger.

"I know." I grit out, head resting against the trunk of a tree. I feel disgusting; sweat clinging to my body and mud painted across my skin. A few leaves are stuck to my hero suit as well and I repress the urge to run home and shower. "It's a stupid plan, but what can we do?"
The phone call was very informative. The villain explained clearly how he wanted this to play out. Izuku Midoriya would come to a discreet location in the woods behind the playground. He would come unarmed and alone. In exchange for two hostages he would trade Shota Aizawa and for the other two, any and all information about The Emerald Eye. He wouldn't try anything funny, or a hostage would be killed.
It was a simple trade.
Aside from the fact, that we had no idea what "The Emerald Eye" was.
We've estimated who three of the four hostages are; All Might, Iida and Izuku's mom. The fourth is still uncertain, but I have a bad feeling.
I sent my mother a dozen texts and left three voice mails in the past hour and there is still no answer. It's most likely that Izuku and I's moms were somehow taken while we were in lockdown.

Frowning, I let out a low, anxious groan. Not only is Izuku putting himself in danger right at this moment, but there's a possibility he's doing it partly for my mom's sake. Great just great!
I'm fucking useless!
"Don't think about useless things." Todoroki grunted, still toying with the flame on the end of his finger. "The plan may be risky, but it will work. We use trading Aizawa-sensei as a decoy, while two other groups ambush the villains, you and I save the hostages and then we retreat. It will work."
"I know it will work!" I snap, clenching my burning palms into fists. "It's just... The Old Hag is..... And Deku.... Argh!" I slam my hand against the ground and tap my head against the tree trunk harshly.
"You need a distraction." Todoroki states plainly, before settling down across from me, snuffing out the fire on his finger. "Let's talk." Quirking a brow, I wonder why the Half-and-half Bastard is cozying up to me.

It feels like a trap... 

"About what...?"Suspicion colours my voice and I resist the urge to flinch at the Bastard's next words.
"Midoriya, of course."
My heart leaps at the thought of him, at the same time my stomach drops. A strange combination of trepidation and joy battles inside me, threatening to tear me in half.
On one hand, Izuku and I have been making real progress and I'd finally figured out what he means to me; on the other, the cute Nerd is in a really dangerous position at the moment, but I can't do anything.
"Why would we talk about that idiot?" I bark, trying in vain to hide the emotions swirling inside me. For some reason, admitting the truth to Icy-Hot of all people feels like I would be losing in some way or form. "Well, that idiot is the only one who can distract this idiot." He points a finger at me and I growl angrily as he stares with that deadpan expression. Fuck, he pisses me off. Stupid, uptight, self-absorbed, mothe-
"So have things progressed?"
"It's none of your damn business."
"You forced me to let my suit be experimented on by that crazy pink-haired girl." Todorki groaned, gesturing to himself.
His usually plain blue hero suit had been altered. Before it had simply been a stretch of cloth used to (A.N: prevent fangirls from literally dieing at the sight of Todoroki's gorgeous body) cover his body. Now it is an elastic, full-body suit that fit his body like a second skin. Flames are embroidered into the fabric and when he shifts the light reflects off the many sequins, making the pattern look as if it is a raging fire. His boots are knee-high and a dark red with white wings sticking out from the heels and strapped to his waist is a belt with a small, unknown device attached to it. Flowing from his shoulders in waves of ivory fabric is a cape that billows out around him on the grass.
Across the cape in huge block capitals of a bright, vibrant red are the words:
"Prince of Flames".
To top it all off, there is a crown on his head, small and sparkling golden in the darkness.

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