Chapter 13: Weakness

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A.N: OMFG!!!!! 1k reads????!!!!! This might not be a lot to you guys but, to know that people are actually reading this makes me so happy! Thank you so much!!!!
The song is one recommended for the last chapter by Buskit99 and I love how it goes with this chapter!
Anyway, thanks for all your support and here's the next chapter!

Warning: Cursing and smut! This is the smut from the last chapter but, from Kacchan's P.O.V. I'll put in a warning and people who don't like smut can read the rest of the chapter. Also, just a note here that Kacchan will use more vulgar language than Izuku did because, I feel like it fits his character more.

Katsuki's P.O.V:


I flinch away from Deku, eyes wide when his lips graze my own.

"Deku, what the fuck do you think-?" I demand as a mixture of outrage and anger builds up in me, which is quickly washed away with desire when, his arms intertwine around my waist and his lips press against mine again but, more forcefully. I feel my ears burn and my throat go dry, something curling in my stomach before, I turn my head to one side, his mouth grazing my jaw bone and making me shudder.

"Deku!" I try to warn him but, the action is lost by the closing of my throat that jerks my voice into a higher octave. Deku's hands are warm against my back and I can feel every callus and every ridged skin from his scarred palms scrape against my bare skin. For a fraction of a second I want to yank his mouth open and jam my tongue down his throat and I tense, eyes widening at the thought, as my palms grow sweaty. I take a deep, shaky breath as Deku's soft lips press butterfly kisses along my jaw, leading back to my lips. I stumble back from him, shaking thoughts of him spread out beneath me from my head and fall onto the bed behind me. Think un-sexy things.......Kirishima,, losing a naked...! The last one almost does it and I turn my gaze to Deku desperately.
"Stop! I'm serious-"

"But, Kacchan...." I freeze as my name rolls off his tongue in a soft, seductive plea that travels straight to my dick. I can't tear my eyes off him as he crawls on top of me, knees planting themselves either side of my hips and palms pressed to my chest. I bite down on the inside of my cheek as Deku remains hovering over me, ass brushing against the tip of the slowly-growing, tent in my pants.
His expression is painfully innocent and sexy; lidded, emerald eyes clouded and teary, round cheeks dusted a dark scarlet, and plump, succulent lips parted.

"I want you."

The words slip from his mouth and instantly stretches the thin thread of my restraint until it snaps and a low, husky growl erupts from my mouth. My dangerously hot hands clamp onto Deku's curved thighs and yank him down so his ass is pressed against me, making me shiver in pleasure.
I vault up, crushing my mouth against his and shoving my tongue into his mouth, feeling every soft muscle and growing more excited with every sweet, slutty moan that drips from Deku's warm, wet lips. As if they have a mind of their own, one of my hands squeezes his plump thigh and the other slides beneath his shirt, fingers trailing along the surprisingly firm and defined muscles along his stomach and then brushing the smooth caramel skin of his chest. Deku tenses beneath my touch and then relaxes, tongue flicking against my own and scarred hands threading through my hair and tugging gently.
Suddenly I can't control myself. I want him, I want all of him...... My hand slides up his thighs, fingers brushing against his hardened dick, straining against his pants and pride wells in me when, he flinches, letting out a shaky breath. And he's offering himself to me. So trusting, so sexy, so.......
I trace the curve of his spine, hand tightening painfully on his thigh.
So naive.
His tongue slips into my mouth and licks and sucks desperately, drawing a deep, shuddering groan from me when he brushes a particularly sensitive muscle. I pull away from the kiss, mouth falling to his neck and sucking softly. My teeth sink deep into his skin that looks so much like caramel and the metallic taste of blood fills my mouth before I brush my tongue over the wound, lapping up the sweat dripping from his feverish skin. Deku gasps and curves his spine, hands falling from my hair and landing on my hips, drawing them up. Our erections brush together and we both tense and I grown as his slutty keen invades my ears.

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