Chapter 25: Possessive

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A.N: Okay, guys I have a question that I need the answer to soon. It's really important because, I can't continue this fic until you answer.
Would you guys like a sequel to this fic?
I've been thinking about it for a while now because, I got a really good idea for a continuation of this but, it all depends on whether you think it would be good. If you'd prefer me to finish it with just this book, then I'd be completely fine with that. It's up to you guys.
As an apology for how long this A.N is, here's a link to a really cute BakuDeku doujin:
(Also the image is edited!)
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and thanks so much for all the support for this fic and for my other fics!!! 😘

Warning: Bathroom smut and cursing.If you're not comfortable with some aggressive, bathroom smut, then plz adhere to the warnings in this chapter. 😉

Katsuki's P.O.V:
Two days. For two whole days, I'm stuck in this shithole, until Mr. Principal finally decides on a fucking plan.

In my opinion, what we have to do is simple; obliterate the fucking bitch named Senketsu. After everything she's done; kidnapping All Might and Iida and attacking Izuku and I, I think that tearing her limb from limb and grinding her bones to dust is quite a merciful punishment.
Unfortunately no one else seems to agree with me.

Mr. Principle is trying to come up with a peaceful way of capturing the bitch, Aizawa is desperately coming up with strategies to save All Might, Uraraka is worrying over Iida and Izuku...... Well, I'm not exactly sure what Izuku is doing.
I hadn't seen him in the last two hours, since that perverted villain escaped and Half-and-Half wandered off somewhere. Sitting at a random desk, I stare out a window at the storm raging outside, images of a panting and moaning Izuku plaguing my mind. "Fuck!" I bellow, ruffling my hair angrily and standing. I can't believe I actually fucked Izuku. What the hell was I thinking?!
I slam open the door to the classroom and slide it shut behind me with a loud, clattering noise. God, he was so beautiful......
His voice, his body, his eyes, the feeling of being inside him- It was amazing! How long had I hated and bullied him? How long had I despised his very existence? And yet here I am marvelling at the way our bodies had connected.

I hate myself.

With a groan I march down the corridor and towards the toilets. I need to cool down. To think. What we just did was stupid in so many ways.
Two heroes in training in a relationship? Not to mention two guys?! It would be a scandal if anyone found out. Besides when it comes to being a hero, having a relationship is a weakness. It means you would prioritize your partner instead of endangered civilians in a crises. That's why heroes tend to stay single or hide their relationships for their partner 's safety.
Not only would a relationship cause problems at work but, competitiveness between heroes could result in a rift in a relationship.
Plus Izuku and I are both male. If we were to be open about ourselves, it could cause discrimination not only to heroes but, ourselves. Can two men even be in a relationship? It's not unheard of but, it's not exactly encouraged eith-
What the fuck am I doing?
I freeze, glaring furiously at the door to the men's toilets, heart beating so fast in my chest, it feels as if it's about to explode.
Why am I picturing a future with Izuku? Am I an idiot? My future is to become the strongest hero in the world; it doesn't include Izuku. Besides, for Izuku, having sex was a way for him to forget everything.
It was.......different for me.

I push open the door and stomp towards the row of sinks. I twist the foset to its highest setting and splash freezing water on my face, shivering as my feverish skin cools. Everything would be so much easier if I didn't realise how I felt about Izuku. I want my memories as they were- full of malice and disgust. I don't want to look back on what I've done and regret it.
The old hag always says if you're going to regret something, then you shouldn't do something so fucking stupid in the first place. But it's not like I knew that I'd end up with a strange sort of.....f....fondness towards Izuku. Speaking of the old hag, she hasn't spammed me with calls yet...... I bow my head, tapping the toe of my shoe against my other foot. We had being forced to wear our school uniforms again so Mr. Principal could keep track of us so, I'm stuck with these uncomfortable shoes and itchy pants. Fucking ridiculous! Maybe this uncomfortable uniform is what makes Half-and-Half look like he always has a stick up hi-
I tense as a thought enters my mind unwelcome, sending a boiling fury throughout my body.
Icy-hot is always speaking with Izuku so casually. He doesn't scream at him or threaten him. He isn't riddled with guilt every time he sees those bright, shining eyes that are never filled with the hatred they should be. Every time they're talking, Izuku smiles so carefreely. There's no hint of fear or hesitation. He smiles so brightly and so happily.

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