Chapter 4: Confusion

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A.N: Sorry for not publishing this yesterday. I fractured my wrist but, it's here now! Hope you like....

Katsuki's P.O.V:
I storm down the corridor, awash with a hundred different emotions, the most prominent of all: anger.

Izuku Midoriya...... I feel my expression darken. I hate him. My blood boils in my veins and I walk faster, ignoring the fearful glances from the other students in the hallway.
I hate his quirk. Even the thought of him not being a quirkless loser pisses me off so much I growl and furrow my brows even more. An emotion, strong and vicious, is sizzling inside me and any minute now, I feel like it's about to explode.

I hate that we were friends. Despite how desperately I want to deny the fact that we were once (regrettably) friends, it's the truth. A disgusting truth. He used to follow me wherever I went and I had to admit that I enjoyed the way his eyes sparkled when he stared at me, almost as if I was All Might himself. Ridiculous, right?
Then he had to go and underestimate me, lend a hand as if I was weak, act as if he was more than a pitiful, worthless boy with a stupid dream to become a hero.
My fingers twitch in my pockets, desperate to blow something up and release my fury.
Preferably something with curly green hair and stupid red boots.
But most of all, I hate the hold he has over me.
His bright, kind smile, his small, round face sprinkled with freckles, his shaggy mess of ebony locks tinted green and not to mention his huge, emerald eyes that sparkle when he is happy, which is almost all the time-
Disgusting. In a blind rage I slam my hand into a random locker I've passed by and let my quirk take over, revelling in the electricity that shoots up my arm and the satisfying way the locker curls in on itself with a loud bang. I glance at my handy work and then growl in frustration when I realise that I reacted to thoughts of him again. Kicking harshly at the ground, I growl at a few extras giving me curious looks and then stomp my way down the corridor and into the second classroom on my left.

I tug the door open hastily and it makes a loud noise as it rattles in its frame. Trudging into the room, I glance at the rows of desks and the white board before sighing tiredly, shoulders drooping. Deku....... I think, tugging on my hair in thought. He's so weak and pathetic. So why the fuck can't I get him out of my head?? He's like some sort of dried-up, tasteless piece of gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe. It's small and barely noticeable until I start walking and I hear it sticking to the pavement below me as my footsteps become uneven. I make my way towards the window and open it, hoping the cold air will calm me down. Why? Why me of all people?! I don't have time for whatever the hell's going on with me. I have to focus on training and becoming the number one hero but, that's kind of hard to do with the fucking Deku on my mind constantly. Sighing I let my bottled up emotions spill out slightly and feel my palms burn with the eagerness of my quirk, hoping to be released. I hold it in even though letting it all out seems much easier.

I'm not sure what's going on with me. I mean sure I've been thinking of Deku a lot but, that's normal. The only difference is the way I'm thinking about him. In the beginning I thought about him because we were friends and I......I didn't entirely hate him (Don't give me that smug look, mother fucking fangirls), then in middle school I realised I hated him because he was weak and I couldn't stop thinking about him because he was always popping up unexpectedly but,'s different.
"Fuck my life." I mutter, leaning out the window slightly, enjoying the cool breeze. Closing my eyes, I push away my thoughts of Deku and relax slightly, letting my eyes close and then-

"No, Kacchan!! Don't do it, please!"

I know that squeaky voice. Can I not have five minutes without him invading my thoughts? Ugh, I think with a snarl. I whip my head around and open my eyes only for Deku to fling himself at me, burying his face in my chest and squeezing me hard enough to crack my spine. His hair tickles my nose as I stare down at him and I'm surprised by the calming scent of milk and honey, I inhale in a gasp. Smells nic– No! I immediately shove him away from me and clench my fists angrily by my sides. Tch, why the fuck is he using women's shampoo?! I lurch forward, pulling my hand back, prepared to blow off his face when he speaks up.
"Kacchan, why would you do s...something like that? Is it fault?" He asks desperately, voice soft and full of guilt and sadness. I hesitate when he raises his head and I see his teary eyes. My mind almost goes blank when he bites down on his lip anxiously but, I quickly regain my senses and vault back a few steps, nearly falling out the window in the process. "Kacchan-!"
I balance myself and turn a furious glare at the hand he is reaching out to me with. He quickly pulls it back to his chest which is rising and falling rapidly as tears threaten to spill over and cascade down his cheeks. "Pl....Please don't do it it Kacchan." He whispers and I furrow my brows at his pleading tone.
"What the fuck are you talking about shitface?" I demand and he frowns in confusion.
"You know what I mean. It's not worth it. You're going to become the number one hero and-"
"Fuck yeah I'm going to be the number one hero."
"But then why would you....?" He trails off and I stare at him expectantly, as he shifts on his feet. His eyes are drier now and his breathing far more calm. "So you weren't going to k..kill yourself?"
I blink slowly and tilt my head. "What?!"
"I said-"
"I know what you said idiot! Why the fuck did you think I was going to kill myself?!"
"Well you were acting odd in the cafeteria," He says desperately. "Then you leant out the window and I thougt.....I thought....."
"Jesus Christ Deku. Do you really think I would do something like that? Fucking moron!"

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