Chapter 36: Alarm

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A.N: I know, I know. Its late, but I suddenly decided to re-write the last half of this chapter, because it didn't feel right. There's an extra 1000 words now tho, so I hope that makes up for it! I'll try to update again this week, if possible!
Thanks for all the support and plz comment/vote! 😘❤️

I'm adding the song here as well just in case people can't click into it. It keeps happening me lately and a few people have commented about it as well. Hope this helps!

Todoroki's P.O.V:
"She was hiding."

I turn to Bakugo, brows furrowing. "She?" My voice doesn't echo in the empty room, just sinks into the ever-present darkness that even my flames find hard to penetrate. He turns to me and the fire raging along my arm illuminates half his face, flickering brilliantly in his dark red eyes. He starts speaking, voice hesitant and searching. "I..."

The trap door in the ceiling, spilling a wedge of light into the room, slams shut.

Dread crawls over me, as I meet Bakugo's eyes and nod. We spin, pressing our backs against the wall and I let the flames flickering across my arm explode, jumping up into the air and curling around the left side of my body. The shadows are finally pushed aside, hovering around the illumination of my flames, and standing just a few feet away is our classmate Kyouka Jiro. I rack my mind for reasons why she might be here, but in our plan there was never a situation in which she would come warn us of any danger.  Her post was near Midoriya's after all. 

Bakugo lets out a deep sigh and falls out of his fighting stance. "What are you doing here extra?!" His eyes widen and he drops the attitude, voice turning surprisingly fragile. "Is Deku okay?" I observe him for a moment, before I hear a footstep and whirl, flaming fist raised. Piercing blue eyes meet my own and my heart stops, flames jumping up and dancing wildly. My throat tightens and I swallow, forcing the name out of my mouth.

"...Akira... "

He stares at me and something in his gaze, in the emotionless mask cast over his face, in the straight line where his smirk should be, starts warning bells through my mind. 

"Bakugo!" The blonde is already racing towards Jiro, explosions crackling along his palms. I crouch down, frost tickling my fingers, but before I can freeze the floor, a boot crashes into the side of my head, knocking me aside. I trip over my cape and awkwardly try to keep my balance, hands waving wildly. "What are you wearing?" Akira's voice is smooth and dark, followed by a deep chuckle that sends chills down my spine. I ignore his question and flex my gloved fingers, my flames still roaring on the left side of my body. From the corner of my eye, I spot Bakugo's explosions and the jittery way Jiro dodges them, as if she's a puppet on strings being tossed around. "STAY STILL BITCH!!!!" The blonde roars and an explosion whizzes past me, singing my hair and deafening my right ear. I flinch, head spinning and white noise blaring loudly, trying in vain to pinpoint Akira's position with my one good ear. It's almost impossible, with him teleporting all around me, the only tell tale being the sound of the object he throws. Dizzily, I press a hand to my forehead and my ear suddenly pops, noises rushing back so fast they all blend together and send my tumbling mind into even more confusing spirals. Akira suddenly comes at me with a roundhouse kick, heavy boot aimed for my head and I manage to balance myself and catch his ankle, hooking it around my shoulder. With a quick jerk, I yank him out of the shadows and he hops with the momentum, before falling to the ground. I raise my fist, planning to break the straight, sharp nose between his dark eyes, and then hesitate.
Before I can ponder over my reluctance, Akira spins on the ground, knocking me off my feet with a swipe of his leg and then pinning me down. He grabs my wrist, even while it's blazing with flames and his expression doesn't even twitch as the scent of his burning flesh permeates the air. Eyes wide, I yank back on my quirk on instinct, my flames spluttering before snuffing out entirely. In the dark, I feel Akira's breath against my face, hot, and his face is illuminated by everyone of Bakugo's explosions as he fights Jiro. The way the flashes of light crack across his face, outline his cheekbones and nose harshly, making his pale skin glow orange and his blue eyes burn. For a moment, we just stare at each other and I'm struck by the intensety of his gaze; the hesitation I see in it. Head pounding, I furrow my brows, before smoothing my features out again.
"... Akira?" I try and his grip on my wrists tighten painfully, his blank gaze turning to a glare. "... Y... You don't understand...." He mutters lowly, voice thick and gruff.
"Akira?" He pushes down on me, bearing his teeth, rage flickering in his eyes. "You have no fucking idea!"

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