Chapter 23: Destructive

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A.N: Whoo! Next chapter! Sorry about the wait, I was in hospital and then I had to finish a project for school but, I'm all good now. Anyway I'm super excited about this chapter and I hope you enjoy it! Please comment and vote because, I read all of them and they really motivate me to keep publishing new chapters. 😘 Updates may become slower now that I'm juggling three fics but, I'll prioritise A Little Bit Quirky so, hopefully I'll still update every week. So, this chapter is longer than usual to make up for the delay.
Anyway here's the next chapter!!

Warning: There will be proper smut in this chapter. I'll put in a warning when it happens but, there is definitely going to be a full-on smut scene and it'll be descriptive.
Sorry in advance if its shit.
There are also somewhat self-hateful thoughts for a moment but, I don't think it's anything triggering so I won't put in a warning but, if you're like really sensitive when it comes to this stuff maybe skip the bold writing/Izuku's thoughts.


He was not scared of falling. During these years, he had fallen quite a number of times. Yet, it would still hurt, when he hit the ground.
It would be wonderful, if someone was there to catch him.
                                                                     — Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation


Izuku's P.O.V:
I lay in the linen infirmary sheets, staring blankly at the bloody and bruised Aizawa-sensei that had limped into the room using Kacchan as a crutch.

When they first walked through the door, my heart had leapt with joy, but that soon crumbled when I saw their stiff, emotionless, tear-stained faces.
"W....What's wrong....?"

"I.....It's not any one's fault, Deku....." Kacchan says, voice shaking as, he leads Aizawa-sensei to a bed and helps him into it.
"I don't understand. Is someone hurt badly?" I ask worriedly. Kacchan runs a hand down his haggard face and lets out a sigh, gaze discreetly avoiding mine. "I'm not sure what happened......b...but, by the time I got there—"
"He's dead." Aizawa-sensei bites out, voice hollow, as he turns so his back is facing me, and yanks the sheets around him.

"The Symbol of Peace is dead."

My heart stops and suddenly I feel like I'm drowning. Everything melts away; the sight of Aizawa-sensei's cold, stiff back; Kacchan's bowed, shadowed face; the blindingly bright infirmary that smells of citrus. It all disappears until, I'm left staring into darkness, unable to catch my breath. Ice spreads throughout my lungs, spiralling around each bronchiole and branching out until, my entire chest is cold and fragile and empty. The darkness spins around me and white noise blares in my ears, steadily growing louder and louder as, my need for air has me spluttering and gasping. My wide eyes are raw and teary but, I don't blink for fear of what I'll see when I close my eyes.
I blink and then stare up at Kacchan, eyes wide and watch as, he reaches out a hand to me before, yanking it back to his side, brows scrunching in frustration. "Snap out of it!" He barks and I feel tears pool in my eyes as, I rip the sheets from my body and sit up, wincing as every part of my body screams in protest. I jump off the bed and collapse against the tray of bandages by my bed. "What are you doing? Get back in the bed Izuk—D...Deku!" Kacchan stutters out and I glare at him. "What do you think I'm doing? All Might needs us!" I hobble towards the door, ignoring Kacchan's protests as he follows after me. "Deku, stop! This is pointless. You're going to get yourself hurt." I roll my eyes and lean against the corridor wall as I limp forwards, blurry vision trying to make out the exit. "I'll be fine. I've had worse."
"What do you think you could do in your condition? You'd be useless!"
There's that word again. It's true though. I'd be useless with my injuries. In fact, it would probably be  more dangerous for All Might if I tried to rescue him in this state.
B.....but, I have to move....... He needs help. I...I have to move.
I have to.
"He's in danger Kacchan! I have to go! You wouldn't understand...." Suddenly a hand clamps around my wrist, touch searing and I flinch as he whips me around.

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