Valentine Special - Part 2

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A.N: I attempted some real sappy fluff.
I am so sorry.
Please forgive me.
Also thank you for reading and all the support! Plz drop a comment or a vote!!!!! 😘😘😘

Izuku and Katsuki broke away from each other and even though the kiss was quick and soft, they were both out of breath.

Trembling, Izuku's hands slid down Kacchan's chest and he wondered distantly when he'd placed them there. His chest was hard and Izuku's fingers splayed across the ridges of his muscles, his sides, his sharp, narrow hips.
They stared at each other intensely, something strong and fierce glimmering in their eyes. A cough drew their attention and Izuku, realising where they were, pushed the taller boy away. Gasping, he avoided everyones' gaze and raced out of the classroom, bashing his shoulder against the door frame on his way out. Shouts of his name followed him down the corridor and just as he reached the boy's bathroom with the genius plan in mind to lock himself in a stall and cry, a hand grabbed his wrist. In an instant, he was being dragged in the opposite direction. "Kacchan, let go of me!" The blonde ignored him and proceeded to drag him outside, despite his protestations. Embarrassment and sadness battled inside of Izuku, along with a giddy, excitement that he almost felt guilty for feeling after kissing Kacchan so unexpectedly. 

He's going to kill me. That's why he's taking me outside, so there's no one around. What does it matter anyway? I just assaulted the love of my life. I deserve to die. Izuku stopped resisting Kacchan's pull and bowed his head, praying that the blonde could forgive him someday. They came to a stop at the back of the school. The wind was harsh and rustled through the sakura trees, creating a shower of soft pink and white petals. Izuku watched it rush through Kacchan's hair, sweeping it out of his face, before the boy dropped his hand and turned to him. Opening his mouth to speak, Izuku quickly cut in. 

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to do that in front of everyone...I...I just got carried away. L...Look I'm not going to deny what I wrote in that letter anymore, so if you want to hit me, it's okay -"


"What?" Kacchan glanced away and Izuku's eyes blew wide when he saw how his crush's ears were burning a dark red. So this is Kacchan embarrassed. Izuku thought, as the blonde raised a shaking hand to brush back his fringe anxiously. 

" was my first kiss..." He exhaled, eyes flicking back and forth. "Nerd...." He added as an afterthought.


Izuku pushed his gushing to the back of his mind and sighed. "M...Mine too....I'm sorry I stole your first-" He cut himself off. "T..That's a lie..... I'm really, really happy." He raised a hand to cover his too-wide grin and flushed cheeks. Kacchan blanched and shifted awkwardly in his spot, lowering his head. A silence hung in the air as a stray petal danced into Izuku's view, floating dreamily through the air. "I never could forgive me..." Kacchan broke the heavy atmosphere, only to make a much tenser one. Izuku stared at the almost small form of the blonde and wondered what to say. "I...I don't regret ending our friendship." Izuku winced. "For as long as I can remember, I've never wanted us to be friends. You were mine. I couldn't stand it if anyone took you away from me. You were....uh...special....sort of. I mean you were a total useless Deku..." Kacchan chuckled and Izuku had to wonder how long it had been since he'd last heard him laugh. "But you were mine." Kacchan sighed heavily, scratching his head. "W...What you wrote...Did you mean it?" Izuku didn't know if it was the way Kacchan's voice trembled, or the fact that the other boy's scowl sort of resembled a grumpy pout, but he answered honestly for once. 

"Yes, I meant it. Every word." Izuku took a hesitant step forward. "There are more!"

"What?" The shorter boy blushed, but persevered. "I've written a letter every year since I was ten! That's just the l...latest..."

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