Chapter 34: Betrayed

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A.N:Next chapter! Hope you enjoyed the last and comment all your theories, I'd love to hear them (remember to use a warning tho, just in case your theory is right and you accidently spoil!!! ) Thanks for all the support! 😘😘😘 

Izuku's P.O.V:
Staring at the body laying slumped over me, breaths coming in slow, erratic pants, I wonder how exactly the plan went so very, very wrong.

When I first stepped onto the path leading to the location the villain specified, Aizawa-sensei at my side, I'd been so sure, so confident. Sure, my nerves had stood on end and a sort of anxious excitement had swelled inside of me, but I was certain that everything would go right.
I mean, we were the heroes after all.
Aizawa didn't speak much as we followed the path and honestly I wasn't in the mood for speaking. Is Kacchan okay? Will he be able to work alright with Todorki-kun? Is Mom and the others safe? The thoughts whirled in my mind, until I worked myself up into a nervous sweat. My hero suit was too tight and I tugged at it every few seconds, trying to calm myself. As soon as I had stepped into the woods, I recognised them. Kacchan and I used to play here often and I'd spent several days reminiscing under one of the large oak trees during middle school when everything felt to be too much. Walking through the same forest, under such different circumstances, felt painfully ironic, to the point that it was almost humorous.
I didn't feel like laughing though.

Aside from the general familiarity of the forest, there was also a new, foreign aura that hung around us as we walked. The trees seemed to loom above us, curling in to trap us beneath their canopy of leaves. Branches snagged my clothes, like desperate, gnarled hands reaching out to grasp me and pull me into darkness. The wind that rustled through the leaves was like a haunting cry, sending shivers up my spine. It felt eerie.
Shaking, my head, I ignored the fear creeping over me and straightened my spine. The plan was foolproof! There was nothing to be afraid of. I wondered over how Kacchan was handling the situation. Did he recognise the woods? No, he wouldn't, would he? All these years, he'd tried his hardest to forget all about me and our friendship. Why would he bother to remember the forest we sometimes played in?
"Midoriya?" Aizawa spoke up from beside me and I flinched, heart pounding. "Y... Yes!"
He stared at me for a moment. "Are you okay?"
"O...Of course. Just a little nervous."
"Relax, everything will be fine. This was the Principle's plan after all." He didn't look convinced however. In fact, ever since the villain's phone call, he'd looked worried. We all did. However, there was also a certain lightness to the pro-hero, like a weight had been lifted. The weight of All Might's death.
He was alive.
For some reason, I couldn't believe it. It seemed too convenient for it to be true. What reason did they have to keep the Symbol of Peace alive? None. And it would be much easier to kill him, now that he was weakened. Guilt pierced through me. Perhaps if he hadn't passed on One For All.....
No! There was no point dwelling on such things.

Stop whining, Nerd and get on with it.

I smiled at the familiar voice in my head and suddenly the forest seemed calmer, less intimidating.
"We're here." Aizawa whispered and I blinked, staring at the building before us. It was a huge black dome, with tinted windows and a large double door embedded in its metallic surface.

Shining beneath the moon's light, the crowded trees parting as if to make room for its ominous presence, the building screamed Villainous Hideout. I was almost surprised by the lack of guards or at least a sign that read: Danger ahead, building of plotting crimes and corruption ahead. No heroes allowed!
However, there was nothing. They've underestimated us. I thought.

I was wrong.

"Stay on guard." Aizawa muttered, before marching towards the huge, imposing dome. His shoulders were tense, his back stiff, but I paid it no mind, too overcome with my own worries. Mom, please be okay...
We stopped in front of the double doors and as I reached to push them, they silently opened of their own accord. With a quick glance at each other, Aizawa and I stepped into the darkness, the doors slamming shut behind us. A beat of silence enveloped us and I shivered from the cold. It was freezing and despite the door behind me, I felt trapped in an endless mass of black. Then, as if, sensing my nervousness, lights flickered on above us, huge bulbs hanging from the high ceiling and illuminating a path in purple. Pillars rose up on either side of the illuminated path, as if defending us from the ever-present darkness beyond them. After a moment of hesitation, Aizawa marched down the path, face devoid of any emotion and chin high. I took a moment to appreciate the man's strength and then followed his footsteps, adopting a sloppy, but efficient calm façade. Perhaps, it was apart of being a hero. Pretending that you were not panicking just as much as every one else.

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