Chapter 32: Anxious

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A.N: Hey!!!!!! Not much to say in this, except for damn that fucking pic!!!!! 😍😍😍🤯🤯🤯 Thank so much for all the support and plz vote/comment!!!!!!

Note: This chapter and the rest of them will be a lot longer so sorry for the wait. Hope u enjoy!!!

Izuku's P.O.V:
Without a minute's hesitation, I chase after Kacchan.

My mother's voice echoes in my mind desperate and pleading.
"Izuku. IZUKU!!"
With a burst of One For All, I catch up to Kacchan, rain drenching my clothes. "KACCHAN, WAIT PLEASE!!!"
My hand latches onto his arm and I stumble against him when he comes to a stop. "Leave me the FUCK–"
"What?" He turned to me and I almost collapse when I meet his familiar, crimson gaze. "She's been kidnapped! My mom – in the phone call.... She was.... She was..... Oh God, Kacchan, I can't–"
"Deku listen to me. Shhh, Shhh." He reaches forward to grasp my shoulders and shake me. "K... Kacchan.... Its my mom."
"I know. Listen to me. You can't panic we need to get back to UA. We'll save her." He reached up to brush my wet hair out of my face and his fingers lingered on my cheek, touch hot and calming; grounding me to the situation.

"We?" I ask, no longer spiralling into a panic, but thinking clearly. Kacchan pulls away from me and smirks.
He speaks his affirmation so casually that it almost feels as if it means nothing.


After a moments silence, in which I analyse Kacchan's expression, searching for an answer to a question I don't even know how to ask, I sigh. "We need to get to UA. Where's the nearest station?"
"Actually," Kacchan dangles a set of keys between us. "I have a much faster way." He presses a button on the keys and I stare uncomprehendingly. "I don't really see how–" He gives me a meaningful look and I shut my mouth, anxiously twitching. I need to move. To go find my mother. B... But she could be anywhere! Where should I search first? No wait, I need to track the call. No that wouldn't work. The villain probably used a burner phone or a pay phone so, then...
Calm down. Just calm down.
Think about this rationally, Izuku. You have to think of a plan, clear you mind.
A low hum distracts me and I blink into focus, squinting my eyes to see the shape approaching in the distance. Is that a...?
A motorcycle; sleek and black screeches to a hault in front of me and I stumble back. The surface of the bike shines and between the obsidian plates are multiple tubes that glow like magma. Steam blows from its pipes, making it look as if it is breathing and I glance at Kacchan, steeling my nerves. "Let's go." He nods and throws his leg over the motorbike, slipping his hands into the modified handlebars to revv the engine. I follow after, awkwardly pulling myself onto the seat behind him. "Hold on." He mutters, voice quiet against the downpour of rain and the hum of the bike.

Carefully, I lean against his back, reaching around to grasp his chest lightly. I feel strangely self-conscious touching him, but quickly swallow back my pride.
Kacchan doesn't give any warning before blasting off. Fire explodes from the back of the bike and we are propelled forward, almost soaring across the ground. It skids on the road, wheels screeching along the tar and smoke swirls around us in a mini hurricane. Coughing I grasp Kacchan tighter, afraid of being thrown off the bike as it zooms around corners and cuts through intersections. Pressed up against him, the wind roaring in my ears, I feel my heartbeat pounding loudly and my cheeks flush in embarrassment. With a frown, I soon realise that the heartbeat isn't mine and I place a hand on Kacchan's chest. His heart beats furiously beneath my fingertips and he stiffens beneath me.
I don't smile, too terrified for my mother to manage even a fake one, but I rest my head against his back and cling to him tighter. The rain pelts down on us, but Kacchan's broad back and rapidly beating heart keeps me warm.

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