Chapter 9: Sadness

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A.N: Next chapter, which I posted early because I got super motivated thanks to all the support, is here. Thanks so much for all the comments and votes. Oh, and sorry I pulled a Rick Riordan Cliff hanger in the last chapter.😅
Hope you enjoy!

Izuku's P.O.V:
All it took for my heart to shatter beyond repair was the sight of Kacchan's limp body in a pool of his own blood.

I stare in horror at the sight before me, mouth open and eyes blown wide. No, it couldn't be. Anything, anything but, this. My heart beats furiously in my chest, pounding against my ribs until, I can feel my bones splintering and my eyes blur as, I try to understand what is happening.

A pain, so harsh and excruciating, racks through my body and I claw desperately at the front of my hero suit, trying to yank it from my chest. It stays put, and burrows deeper into me. I start to breathe heavily as the pain curls around each of my nerves, plucking at them languidly and observing the different levels of agony each one reverberates through me. My entire body shakes with the force of such refined and precise pain that knows exactly which parts to dig into for the most suffering. Its like a leech, crawling beneath my skin and sucking everything out of me to replace it with this awful feeling that clutches my wind pipes and crushes them so I'm left gasping and choking on the mix of words fluttering through my mind.
It's impossible. Impossible! My knees buckle and I almost drop to the ground but, manage to hold myself up. He can't.....He's fine, just fine! My eyes blur even further when I study the ash blonde spiky hair, stained a scarlet color and I can't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks.
It's Kacchan! He's strong, the...there's no way he....he could....
I swallow past the lump in my throat and curse the feeling welling up inside me. It is a heavy stone pressing down on my lungs, and forcing all oxygen out of me so my chest feels empty and desperate for something, anything at all to fill it.

And so the image of Kacchan, body crumpled, expression calm and eyes closed, surrounded by a pool of liquid the same color of his eyes, fills the hole inside my chest and then I wish I had remained empty.

The image is so big and heavy it presses against the confines of my ribs and snakes it's way into my mind, forcing me to see Kacchan so calm, so vulnerable, so motionless over and over again. Why isn't he moving? Get up. I whimper, twisting the front of my suit with a trembling fist that clutches the green fabric desperately.
Get up God damn it!
Kacchan doesn't listen, instead the pool of scarlet around him grows, making my stomach churn and bile claw its way up past my dry throat. There's not a single hint of the sweet sulfur scent that indicates, Kacchan is about to jump back to his feet and use his quirk. No there is only the smell of sweat, steam and the dull scent of warm metal.
Get up Kacchan! Right now! Just like All Might! Come on! Get up, get up, GET UP!!! Anger floods through my veins on top of the agony and I stumble forward as emotions spiral within me. What are you doing? You're supposed to be the number one hero, so get up! This is when we counter attack. Still Kacchan remains motionless and I feel my lip quiver and more tears blur my view of Kacchan which I'm not certain is a good or a bad thing.
W....Weak! You're being weak! I think desperately, scrambling for some way to get a reaction.
Come on! Prove me wrong! Fight back!
My heart thumps so loudly it echoes in my ears so it blurs out the other sounds around me and my vision is littered with white spots. Kacchan........
Please! I'm begging you. Stand up, yell at me, insult me, hurt me- J...Just don't leave it like this! Please! You said we'd talk. P....Please, Kacchan.....
I struggle as my suit clings to me along with the condensing water droplets from the steam that is fading.


I manage to swallow past my raw and burning throat and I wince from the feeling of cold air flowing into my lungs and freezing everything.

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