Chapter 11: Longing

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A.N: Love this song! And this cover is amazing. Also thank you to everyone who comments, votes or even just reads this story. It means a lot and motivates me to write each chapter. Thank you so much for all the support. If there's any mistakes in this chapter, let me know in the comments, I was lazy while editing. 😕
Anyway, prepare yourself for some KatsuDeku, here's the next chapter!

Katsuki's P.O.V:
A soothing darkness surrounds me and lulls my mind into a sense of safety.

Everything is calm and quiet. There is no pain, no fear, no anger— Nothing.
There is only the blissful silence of nothingness.
I can't feel anything, can't see anything, can't do anything. I just exist in this darkness; numb and free. Free from the pain I know to be waiting if I wake from this nothingness. I can feel it. It's somewhere in the darkness, niggling at me, desperately trying to get to me but, the nothingness sings it's beautiful song of silence and the pain is forgotten. Everything is forgotten. My pride, my anger, my fears, my hopes.........

And Him.

Someone whispers, voice a resonating screech that slices through the smooth song of silence.
The voice is rough and despite being quiet, echoes in the nothingness loudly. Who's there?
Nobody answers and the nothingness sings louder, easing me back into the darkness, the voice slipping from my mind.


I snap to attention but, I still can't see or feel or do anything. Wh....Who is he? I ask the voice and there is a dark humourless chuckle, that rings with familiarity.

You know him.

There is a pregnant pause and the song of silence grows louder, but my attention is stolen once more before I can succumb to the darkness.

You hate him.

Strands of thick, ebony curls, their ends softening into a dull jade flash before me and I flinch as the silence quivers slightly. The darkness presses in around me and I let it squeeze me until I'm practically suffocated by its numbing beauty but, still the image of luscious, messy curls remains engraved in my mind.

He is pathetic, useless and everything you despise......

A pair of worn red boots appear in my mind and my fingers twitch in the darkness, the song of silence is disrupted before, smoothing out again. The twitching of my fingers spreads until I can move my arm and I reach out to the voice, bones shaking and muscles tensing.

.......But, you will never forget him.

Why? I demand as the song of silence screeches slightly, each relaxing note shaking. Each of my frozen limbs thaw out and I begin to move, albeit slowly. Why can't I forget him?

You want him.

A face, smooth and round with a dusting of brown freckles across pink cheeks and the bridge of a small nose flickers in the darkness and I furrow my brows, the urge to reach out and caress that smooth, tanned cheek surging through my body. For some reason, I know that I hate that honeyed skin and those cute freckles.

You need him.

A pair of lips, in a dark shade of pink, similar to a cherry floods my mind and I let my fingers drop to my own parted lips, from which a sigh passes. I know those lips; the upper lip, thin and a darker pink, with a soft Cupid's bow; the lower lip, plump and soft with the slightest of dips in the middle. They taste of peppermint, vanilla lip balm and the slightest hint of cinnamon. The lower lip is just plump enough to bite into hard and tug at until, a metallic tang of blood seeps into the taste of those lips.
I also know that, without a doubt, I hate them.

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