Special 1: Six In The Morning (pt. 1)

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A.N: Thank you so much for 100k views!!!! This is so amazing! I know there's been a lot of breaks and long periods of time where I haven't updated, but I'm glad you are all still interested in this fic.
Anyway, thank you for all the support and here's a special chapter to commemorate 100k!

Warning: Masturbation and cursing.

Note: This special has Top Deku and bottom Bakugo.
I know Top Deku isn't that popular, but I love the dynamic and I just really wanted to write about it. So, I hope you will give it a read if you are interested!

There will be DekuKatsu smut in part 2 of this special and KatsuDeku in a third special (which will come in a few weeks.)


The best part about moving to the dorms at UA, had to be the privacy.


"Ah...yes! Right there!"


Izuku Midoriya stared at the two sweaty women gesticulating on his screen. Laptop perched on his desk, the messy dorm room to himself, he sported a firm erection in his tented, tartan pajama bottoms.

At home, whenever he had the urge to relieve himself, the experience always felt rushed. A swift, almost mechanical few pumps on his appendage, a brief moment of ecstasy and then he had to clean everything up. Living in a house with an overprotective mother not only stifled his libido, but also his enjoyment of the rare occasion he decided to masturbate. Even when he locked the door, or his mother left to buy groceries, a tiny voice in his head always whispered:
"She could walk in at any moment. Right in the middle of it."

No matter how much he prepared, the relentless fear of being caught - being seen in such a shameful position - followed him. Niggling in the back of his mind, until finally he just gave up.
When he got flustered at the thought of something inappropriate, he took a cold shower, counted to ten and went about his day as usual.

Now, it was different.

He moved into the UA dorms a little over a week ago.
Each student had an individual room; no roommates. The walls were thick and best of all, Aizawa-sensei only ever did rounds at 10:30pm to make sure everyone had retired for classes the next day. No mothers, no stifling anxieties and free Wi-Fi.
Izuku had until 12pm - when he planned to sleep and rest for training the next day - to thoroughly alleviate his carnal desires. He'd been pent up since he turned thirteen and puberty hit him. At last, he could take his time and fully experience an orgasm.
I heard that masturbating can ease stress and enhance daily performances. I need to record the improvement t...this might have on my energy levels in class and during combat training. Maybe it will help with muscle relaxation and clear my mind? It might even have something to do with my Quirk? Some sort of connection to the improvement of my body as a vessel for OneForAll? Yes, I need to focus completely on m...masturbating...
The results might improve my abilities as a hero!

Izuku turned his attention to the laptop screen once more. If he were honest, he much preferred erotic manga over porn. It felt less...stimulating and in a way that calmed him. The raucous moaning and groaning that spilled through his headphones had always seemed too loud at home. So, he usually read graphic manga, hidden in the bathroom or beneath his duvet in the middle of the night. Now that he was alone, he felt braver.
He selected a porn, something recommended by Mineta, with a title he would never have the courage to say aloud.
He still wore headphones, of course.
Just in case.

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