Chapter 22: Terror

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A.N: Sorry, it's late! I had a lot of homework and a presentation to prepare so, please forgive me! I'll try not to let it happen again. Anyway, this one is a little shorter than usual because, I was super excited about watching the new episode of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation!!!! Fuck, I love that anime! It's so good!!!!! 😍😍😍
On a side note, I can't wait for BNHA season four! Season three was so good and the fight was amazing! Katsudeku all the way!!!!!!
Thank you guys so much for all your support and please comment/vote! Also if you don't mind, please check out my new fic called "The Illusions We Breathe" and let me know what you think. 😘😘 And let me know if you want me to (attempt to) draw the new OC like I did with Senketsu.
Hope you enjoy!

A voice childish and haunting caresses my ear and I shudder as a small, dainty hand is pressed on my shoulder.

"I found you Oniisan."

Aizawa's P.O.V:
Instantly, I clutch Toshinori close to me and roll to the right, scraping my back along the pavement.

When, I come back up into a crouch, my eyes land on the boy with a shock of ivory hair. F...Fuck..... I let him touch me.....! The boy steps forward and his irises, that are bleached from a vibrant blue to a lifeless, dreary grey, sparkle in a twisted joy.

"You know Aiza-chan, I missed everyone." The boy takes another step forward and my vision starts to splinter, making it seem like there are two of him before me, both talking in sync.
" All Might-Oniisan, Haru-Oneechan, Mommy, Daddy.......and you. " I flinch back from the voice as it echoes oddly in my mind and his form stretches and warps before me. 
"I...Itsuki......S...Stop....!" I choke out as suddenly, my vision goes black and I can't see anything.
"I'm sorry Oniisan but, I can't have you using that quirk of yours on me now, can I?" A high-pitched giggle scrapes against my ears and I whip my head in the direction it came from, hands tight around Toshinori. "You're so silly. Coming here to.... what? Reunite? Save Haru? Or maybe...." Pain rips through my shoulder and I cry out as a blade is driven through me, before I scream in agony when he jams a finger into the wound on my torso.

"You wanted revenge."

His voice has lost all traces of humour and it cuts through the silence like a sharpened arrow head. Throwing myself back, I blindly heft Toshinori onto my back and fumble to pull the dagger from my shoulder, cursing all the while. Swirling lights spiral into my vision that splits like a pair of glasses with cracked lenses and I whip around only, to run blindly away from the distorted boy who calmly follows. Trudging through alleyways and bumping into walls, I manage to reach the road and glance around, vision blurred and weak body trembling. The street is completely empty; silent aside from my own heavy breathing and Toshinori's light, almost inaudible pants. I tighten my grip on him as, he coughs and blood splatters across my shoulder, before facing forward, ignoring the way the world spins.
"Oniisan....." Itsuki continues, voice echoing oddly in my ears: fuzzy and distorted.  Suddenly, my legs buckle and I crash to the ground, Toshinori tumbling off my back and a few feet away. "S...Shit...!" I cough out as, my eyelids droop and my gaze settles on Toshinori as he struggles to push himself to his feet. He coughs up blood onto the road and then collapses and I reach out to him, dragging myself across the road with trembling arms. A shoe smashes down on my hand and I shout in pain as Itsuki grinds his heel down on my fingers, with an amused chuckle.
The boy skips towards Toshinori's limp body and my eyes widen when he slams his foot down on his back, making him jolt and let out a choked cough. "!"
" You know...... " He continues, ignoring my statement and kicking Toshinori in the ribs hard enough for a loud crack to resonate throughout the empty street. "......For a while, Haru was willing to forgive you..... She was so convinced that you weren't to blame, even when you threw her aside!" The boy stumbles back from Toshinori and clutches his head.

" It was ridiculous! " He exclaims, whipping around to glare at me. "You betrayed her!"
" I....didn't! It wasn't me—"
"I'm not talking about that. You betrayed her long before that." He rubs a hand across his face and swallows. "From the moment you entered U.A everything changed....... " Itsuki shakes his head and grins cheekily. "But you already know that story!"
" W...What is Haru planning? "
"Oh!" He delivers a swift blow to Toshinori's face which makes me wince before, plopping down on the Symbol of Peace's back. "Its a good plan! A really good plan but, if I tell you, it won't be a surprise. " He giggles and pulls a small knife from his jacket and twirls it around his fingers, the cool silver steel glinting dangerously. "Remember those bedtime stories you used to tell me?" I nod wearily, the knife in his hands multiplying as, I blink. A tingling sensation starts at the bottom of my spine and slowly spreads, until my entire body is throbbing with an antsy feeling. It's almost as if something is trying to force itself beneath my skin unwelcome.
"Well, Haru's creating a new one but, this time we are not just listening to it. We are the story.
But this time, this time there are no villains, no heros......
Only chaos!"

I think back on the small, sweet boy that lives in my memories by the name of Itsuki and then stare at the contrasting boy before me, grinning maniacally. How could this have happened?
What did Haru do to you, to her own brother, to make you like this?

" are you alive?" I mumble, mind fuzzing and darkness seeping into my vision. "You should be dead!"

Itsuki smirks, standing from Toshinori and brandishing his knife. Fear, envelopes me and I tense, analytic, wary gaze following each of his movements. "You're right." He concedes, voice appeasing. " I should be dead. Haru, you and everyone there that day saw me dead but, in my last moments......surprisingly enough, I found myself desperately clinging onto my life, my sister! " He walks around Toshinori and then crouches down, to yank his head up with a handful of his honey blond hair. His face is relaxed, eyes shut and I curse, knowing that he is vulnerable while he stays unconscious.
"So, I made a deal. A deal with the thing I feared most......" My eyes widen as, Itsuki places his knife against Toshinori's throat. "No!" I shout, mind suddenly clearing. "NO, PLEASE DON'T, ITSUKI!!!!" I roar, pushing myself to my feet and darting towards them.

"A deal with my nightmares."

I reach them and stretch out my hand only for Itsuki to throw me a smile before, slashing the glittering blade across his throat. Scarlet bursts from his throat in effortless sweeps and I drop to my knees in horror as, Itsuki let's go of Toshinori who slumps to the ground, eyes side with pain and fear. No. ...This is impossible. He's the Symbol of Peace.....He's All Might.....
He can't.....
Toshinori presses his hands to his wound and I watch as blood seeps out from between his fingers and dribbles down his knuckles. He opens and closes his mouth but, all that comes out is a few splatters of blood that splash across my face. A deafening silence stretches out between us, interrupted only by the howling of the wind and the strange gurgling gasps that escape his mouth. After a few tense seconds, he meets my gaze, eyes softening and before I can say anything, he leans forward and presses his lips against mine softly. My eyes widen even further and I tense as he moves his warm lips against my own.

The kiss tastes of blood, sweat and toffee and when he pulls away, I feel his blood slide down my chin.

He smiles, that beautiful crooked smile that is currently corrupted by his crimson-stained teeth and my eyes blur with tears as, he mouths: Shota.
He slumps against me, eyes falling shut. "N.....No....." I stutter, voice cracking and dry. " No! " I bellow, choking on a sob and wrapping my tired arms around his body, tugging him closer. He's heavy, unnaturally so for his small frame, and I lean back with him, tilting my head to the sky as I scream in agony. "No! No! N...No!!!!!"
A shiver runs down my spine and Itsuki's voice rings in my ears. "Don't worry, Oniisan. I'll make the pain disappear." His cool fingers caress my face before, I can run and instantly my entire body saggs with exhaustion, Toshinori slipping from my grip. I drop to the ground, head spinning and my limbs completely drained of energy. I can't feel anything and I can't think, as my eyes flutter shut.

Before I fall unconscious, I see Itsuki drag Toshinori's bloody body to a nearby alleyway. He pulls a phone from his jacket and glances down at the Symbol of Peace, lip curling in disgust.
"Haru?" He speaks into the phone.

" Yeah, I got him. "

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