Chapter 38: Lost

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A.N: Whoooooo! Next chapter. Hope you enjoy and heads up, something's gonna happen in this chapter~ 😈

Aizawa's P.O.V:
"I remember a day in spring..."

I murmur to the sleeping form of the number one hero. I sit by his side, morosely redressing his wounds and examining the damage to his torso. "Let's see, it was probably.... Fifteen years ago? Yeah. Fifteen years..."

I finish bandaging his wound and lean back, gaze straying to Toshinori's calm, sleeping face. It's completely different than how it was in his youth. Lost is all the chiseled features and lean muscle; in its place is shadows and wrinkles. Still there's a sun-kissed glow to his skin, that turns the hallows of his cheeks and his inset eyelids golden. The light spilling from the crack in the tent falls on his dry, honey blonde hair and sets it alight with sparkling warmth. A few grey strands appear at his roots and they glow like thread spindled from a silkworm. His face has aged, but the man before me is not old. He holds onto that whisper of youth in every fibre of his being, completely different than I, who have been swept away by the years, drowned in stress and anger. Even while asleep, he is brimming with life and I know that when his eyes open, they will be the dazzling blue they've always been.
"At the entrance ceremony, I met you for the first time. You were just as stupid and annoying as always, but.... You smiled at me." I scrub a hand down my face, wondering why I'm dwelling on the past now. Toshinori will be fine, he'll live. There's nothing to worry about. Still...
"I've always..." I stand, reaching forward to twirl a strand of his brittle golden hair around my finger.

"I've always loved your smile."

Gasping, I retract my hand as if I've been burned. Memories of sleepless nights beneath the stars, of a warm hand touching my cheek, of a boy with a smile like sunshine flood through me and I catch myself on the brink of....
For a moment, I feel young again, as if I'll be swept away by emotions and do something stupid. It's a terrible feeling, as if all the years, all the work I've put into growing up, into forgetting everything, have been for nothing. I won't go back there, to that youth of beauty and love and pain.
I will never go back
Averting my eyes from the golden man before me, I swallow the childish feelings welling up in me and turn on my heels.
I let down Izuku and the hostages once, I won't do it again. It's time to face Haru-no Senketsu. I leave the tent and raise my eyes to the stars whose sombre light is slowly being consumed by the morning rays.

It's time to counterattack!


"Alright everyone." I clap my hands, instantly quieting the group of young heroes gathered around me.

They turn in unison and I spot Midoriya in the crowd, beckoning him forward. Close by his side, is Bakugo, crimson gaze focused solely on the other boy. "Are you sure you are okay walking about?" I ask and the green-eyed boy smiles brightly, fist clenching in determination. "I know I should be resting and it's stupid of me to think I can help when I'm injured, but..... I have to help. They.... They hurt my friends, my Mom." Bakugo places a hand on his shoulder and squeezes reassuringly. Midoriya raises his head, as if the other boy's touch pours strength into his injured form.

"We need to bring them to justice! "

I nod, clapping a hand on his back and wondering if I should apologise for failing him back in the warehouse. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I shake my head. Not the time, not the time...

"Everyone!" I sweep my gaze over all the young heroes before me. They'd grown so much in the past few weeks and where I expected to see fear and worry in their faces, there is only a strength worthy of pros.
The corner of my lips curls just the slightest bit.
When I was there age, I would've panicked at a time like this, pushed all the work and responsibility onto someone else, but these kids....
My eyes sweep over the group again, seeing the young faces not scarred and broken, but hopeful. Happy.

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