Sam Imagine

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Hi! =]


You and Sam have been dating for a year. You've had your share of ups and downs. You love sam so much that sometimes it hurts. You get hate daily and well you hate it. He doesn't know though. He thinks that the fans love you. Some do.. but most don't. You were laying in bed for Sam to get home. He's been getting home late, a lot. You were drifting to sleep when you heard the door open. "(y/n) are you awake?" Sam asked. "Yea. Why're you so late Sam?" You asked while rubbing your eyes. "I went to the gym and then went to get some food..." He said. "Are you sure you didn't go do anything else?" You asked while sitting up on the bed. He entered the room more and asked "Do you accuse me of doing something?" you replied with "Yea I am." You got off the bed. "What do you think I did?" He asked hurt. "Did you go see someone?" you asked "No, why do you think that?!" He asked almost yelling at you. "Because you've been getting home late for the past week! What are you doing when you're out? Seeing someone? Fucking someone?!" You asked yelling at him. "No! Are you crazy?" He asked walking towards you. "No I'm not!" You yelled. "Okay whatever. You think I'm cheating on you then i'll sleep on the couch. Goodnight (y/n)." He said and walked out of the room. You got back into bed and cried. Wow I fucked up real bad.. You thought as you cried yourself to sleep.

*Next Day*

You smell food and get up. Your head hurts so you go into the bathroom and get medicine to help. You go to the living room and see blankets. "What the hell is this?" You asked yourself. You walked into the kitchen and saw Sam cooking and immediately you remembered what happened. You had a fight with Sam. "Hey Sam..." You said quietly. He looked at you and gave you a half smile. "Hey." He said and continued cooking. "Will you forgive me?" He asked. "The real question is if you'll forgive me for accusing you of cheating.." You said and sat at the table. "I don't know only if you eat my food and give me a kiss." Sam said and you walked towards him. "Are you sure you're not mad?" You asked. "Yes I'm not mad. I'm sorry I wasn't home early this week. I was making a surprise for you." He said and you smiled "Now kiss me you fool." He said, leaned down and you kissed him deeply. "I'm sorry Sam..." You said and ate the food he gave you. "It's okay. Now eat then go change I want to show you the surprise." He said and went to change his clothes. When you both were ready you went skating with Sam leading. "Where are we going?" You asked. "It's a surprise." He said and winked at you which caused you to blush. "Why do I blush when he winks at me? He's my boyfriend not some guy I shouldn't blush..." You said to yourself and Sam had stopped. "A tattoo shop?" You asked looking confused. "Yea I was working on a tattoo for us. It's simple but I wanted it to be perfect so I looked over it every day to make sure it was the one." He said and you smiled. "How did you know I wanted a tattoo?" You asked. "Because I know my girl." He winked and pulled you close as you walked into the shop. "Sammy boy! You ready for them?" The tattoo artist asked and Sam nodded. The man held out the cutest tattoos every. They were simple but Sam worked a whole week on them. The tattoos were your date in a small cute heart and there was another one. It was just a simple "X" but you thought it was adorable. "Oh my gosh Sam I love it! Put then on me now." You said and the man got to work while Sam had another person do his. When you both were done you thanked them and walked out. "What does the x mean?" You asked. "They mean if we're ever apart we will always still be with each other even if its just an x well still have a little bit of each other." He said and did a goofy smile. You laughed and jumped at him with tears. "That's so adorable and meaning full. I love it!" You said and laughed at how cute they were. "They're small but have a lot of meaning to them." He said and you nodded. You guys had skated to the park and spent the whole day there. The park was your favorite place because that's were you both met.


I think that was so cute! Well at the end at least.. Anyways I was so looking forward to writing that! I like this one the most and my first one with Jc a lot because they both gave me feels =] What do you guys think? Tell me. Byeeeee =]

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