Connor Imagine

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Hi! =] So I'm kind of going to do "how you met" week for the boys I haven't done that yet. =]


You worked at a animal shelter. You loved it because you got to see the animals you cared for get adopted. Every here and there you would shed a tear to see one go.

It was a quiet day at the shelter. Well except for the animal noises, not that many costumers came. You loved sitting with the dogs because they were absolute angels. You had a certain favorite dog and he is named Bubbles. He is a golden retriever a puppy. "Hey Bubbles!" You said as you entered his pen. He barked and jumped onto you as soon as you had sat down. "How are you baby boy?" You asked with a baby voice. Which he returned with a lick to your face. You giggled and tended to his pen. You hugged him before you stood up to clean his pen of mess. You gave him new food because he had somehow gotten his water in the food bowl. "Tut, tut, tut. How many times do I have to tell you that food and water do not mix together." You explained to the puppy for the millionth time. He whimpered and went to lay on his bed. "Awe I was just kidding bub." You said as you picked him up and placed a kiss to his head. After cleaning his pen you laid down on the floor and bubbles had laid on top of you. You laughed but then both of you took a little nap...

*20 minutes later*

You felt bubbles jump off of you and you opened your eyes because he was barking. Also because his tail would occasionally hit your face. You looked around the store and saw a guy standing there. He's looking around the store confused. You stifle a laugh "Over here!" You said loudly and bubbles barked. The boy smiled and came towards you. "Hey where's the cat area at?" He asked and you got up and exited the pen. "Follow me sir." You said and he followed you to the cat area. "Here they are." You said. He smiled and looked at cats. "Which one do you think will suit me?" He asked and you pretended to play with your fake beard. "Hmm, I think this one!" You said pointing to a cat with coffee fur. "Aw it's so cute!" He said smiling brightly. Dang boy you got some nice chompers. You thought smiling and you handed him the cat. "Okay now to the counter." You said grabbing stuff on the way. "You'll need this, this, this, and this." You said giving him a collar, name tag, leash, and a bowl. You put all the things in a bag and also your number. "Thanks a lot." He said. "You're welcome." You said walking to Bubbles. "Hey bub you take care of her okay?" He asked and bubbles licked his face. He knew not to bark because it would scare the cat. "Do you like dogs?" You asked. "Nah. I like cats more because they're lazy just like me." He said and you entered Bubbles pen. "But look at him! He's adorable!" You said hugging Bubbles. "He sure is but I think you'd rather stay with him. You look like you love him." He said. "Yea I do." You said smiling. "My names Connor by the way and why don't you keep him?" He said and you smiled. "I'm (Y/n) and I am planning on keeping him but I'm still living with my parents." You said shaking your head. "To bad. Well anyways bye (Y/n)!" He said waving then he exited the store. You frowned and hugged Bubbles. You had asked your manager if you could keep him but he said that Bubbles is already in the process of being adopted by a family. You only had a few weeks with him. About the first week you started working here Bubbles was brought in. You watched and tended to his needs. He was like your baby. You kissed his head and hugged him. Bubbles also knew that he was getting adopted so he cuddled into the hug. You would cry and he would whimper and try to comfort you.

*A month later*

Bubbles had already been adopted and you went into depression. Bubbles was your everything. Connor would call you and ask for help with his cat. You and Connor became best friends. After a few months later he asked you to be his girlfriend. You accepted and you were officially a couple. With Connor as your boyfriend he replaces Bubbles as your everything.


"Monday will always be Connors monday." Sorry it sucked I can't function and the other one had been so much better. I'm so sorry... I a also started crying while writing it so I'm sorry. Anyways, Byeeee =[

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