Kian Imagine

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Hi! =] I don't know... Just read it Bah!


You, Kian, Jc, Ricky, and Connor were all outside on the front lawn. It wasn't a hot or cold day it was perfect. Kian stood up and started to do the crab then Ricky did it too. You laughed at them and you joined in on it. "You guys are crazy." Connor said as he laid in the grass and he covered his eyes from the sun. You blew a raspberry at Connor and clawed at his arm. "Connor get up and join us. You too Jc!" You also clawed at Jc. Connor and Jc stood up and joined in on the crab. Kian crab walked to you and you did the same. When he stood in front of you he smiled "Do you come here often?" He asked as he snapped his hands. You snapped your hands and clawed at his cheek and said "Why yes I do. I only come here to see you." You said as you winked and pecked his lips. Kian snapped at your cheek and kissed you back. Ricky saw Connor on his phone and he clawed and got Connor's phone then crab walked away screaming. Everyone started laughing and fell to the ground.. You laid on Kians chest and pecked his cheek then you both eskimo kissed. You giggled and Kian held your hand. "Why do you guys have to be so cute? Like stop showing public displays of affection!" Jc said and threw a ball at you and Kian which just caused you both to kiss again. "Jealous because Lia isn't here?" Kian asked and stuck his tongue out at Jc. "Yea I am! I miss her." Jc said and frowned. "Awe come on Jc you got me and Condabon!" Ricky said and he rolled to Jc and patted his head. "Fiiinnnneeeee!" Jc groaned and patted Ricky's head and sent a smile Connors way. "Awe! Love you Jc!" Connor said and blew a kiss to Jc. Jc fake caught it and put it in his pocket. "See everyone's happy now! There's me and Kian then you three." You smiled and threw your arms in the air and smiled. Everyone laughed and smiled. "I wish Trev and Sam were here to make memories with us." Connor said and frowned. "Why don't we tell them to!" Ricky said and stood up. "Yea that would be nice babe but not enough space." Jc said. "Can't they just sleep on the couch?" Connor asked. "No! Would you like to sleep on the couch?" You asked and everyone shook their head. "We could share.." Ricky suggested. "I guess.. Me and (y/n) share while two of you have to share with one of them." Kian said and the boys nodded. "So who's with Sam?" You asked. "Me!" Jc said first. "And Trevor?" Kian asked. "I'll share with him." Ricky said. "Okay let's call them and ask them!" You said and everyone ran inside and went into Ricky's room and went onto Skype. You sat on Kian's lap jumping up and down smiling and Kian wrapped his arms around you and kissed your neck. While the others sat on Ricky's bed. Ricky called Sam and Trevor and they both answered in about a minute. "Hey! What's up?" Sam said smiling. "Hi guys." Trevor said looking a bit stressed. "Nothing much but we have to ask you guys a question." Kian said and the boys nodded. "Wait. Trev what's wrong?" You asked because Trevor was like your little brother. "I'm just tired I haven't gotten a lot of sleep and my mom wants to go shopping but she doesn't know I won't have fun because i'll have to hide." He said and he rubbed his hands on his face. "Aw Baby!" You said and Kian tightened his grip on you and you held his hands tightly. "Yea I know I need to get out of here." Trevor said. "Great! Do you guys want to move in?" Jc asked smiling. "Yea sure. That'll be-" Sam said but got cut off by Trevor "YAZ!" He screamed. Everyone was smiling. "Okay see you next week! Talk to you later!" Ricky said and everyone waved byes and he ended the call. "Yes!" Connor yelled. You smiled and kissed Kian. "So it's going to be a lot more crazy around here." Ricky said laughing. "Yes sir!" Jc said and went to his room and so did Connor with a little skip in his step. You and Kian exited Ricky's room. "You care a lot about Trevor huh?" Kian asked. "Kian don't be like that he's like a brother to me. I love you and I always will." You said and Kian smiled. You grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. You heard a groan behind you and laughed seeing Ricky cover his eyes. "I guess Ricky here has never seen love." Kian stuck his tongue out at him and laughed. You bot went to Kian's room and fell asleep while


Hey you guys! I like this but comment if I should make them live together and who your bae is. My bae is Kian 😍 Anyways, Byeeeee! =]

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