Jc Imagine

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Hi! This was kind of like a free write but with an idea to it so sorry if it sucks! :(


You and Jc were walking around the neighbor hood. He held your hand as you guys walked around just enjoying life. Most of the time someone would approach you guys by now asking for pictures, a follow or an autograph. These kind of walks are the ones you always looked forward to. No one disturbing you guys is jus what you wanted.

"You want to go to somewhere?" Jc asked letting go of your hand. You frowned and went to hold his hand when he backed away from you looking a head of where you both stood. You looked at what he was staring at and saw a girl. You looked at Jc and he wasn't there. You looked around and saw that he was going back. You let out a breath you didn't even now you had. You walked up to the girl and she was so pretty. You smiled at her and started asked her a question.

"Do you know Jc?" You asked and she smiled.

"Jc! Yea he's my boyfriend! Why have you seen him? He told me to walk around and that he would take me on a date later." She said smiling and practically jumping in her spot. You felt your heart sink and you shook your head.

"Oh are you a fan? Did you see us together before?" She asked looking confused. And once again you shook your head then you walked away. You were in front of their house and you frowned. Do any of the other boys know? How long has this been going on? Why is he cheating on me? Is it time to let him go? So many questions were running through your mine that you didn't even notice yourself walking in. You saw Kian on the couch and you walked slowly to him.

"Kian?" You looked at him with tears in your eyes. He looked up at you and frowned.

"Hey what's wrong? Come here." He said holding his arms open. You sat on his lap and hugged him which he also did. You started to cry into his shoulder and he rubbed your back softly.

"(Y/n) tell me what happened, please?" He said quietly. You started to shake and you couldn't really say anything. He just held you until you calmed down.

"Is Jc here?" You asked quietly looking around the room.

"No he isn't why?" Kian asked.

"He's cheating on me.." You said looking down at the floor. His body got stiff and he got up with you then he sat you on the couch. He put his shoes on and grabbed his keys. He looked at you and smiled then ran out of the front door. You sat there not thinking or crying just sitting.

*An Hour Later*

Kian ran into the house without any breath. You snapped your head up and you looked at him. He recovered his breath and he sat next to you. He pulled you into his arms and he patted your back.

"It's okay there are better fish in the sea. Ones that won't mistreat you and that will give you everything. This isn't the end you can move on and find someone that actually loves the fact that they get to call you theirs. If Jc were me I would treat you like a princess. You're to nice for him. Find someone else." He said and you smiled.

"Thanks Kian. That means a lot. I think I'm going to go home now.." You said quietly getting up and going to the door. As soon as you opened it you saw Jc on his knees looking up at you.

"Hey remember the day we met? I do so clearly that it hurts because I did something I can never take back. I just hope that you love me enough to actually take me back into your arms." He said and he kept choking up and coughing.

"We met at a party and I approached you saying that you looked bored and I took you somewhere and we went to a 7-11 bought junk food then sat on a curb eating and talking the night away. It may have been something small and meaningless but I couldn't stop thinking about you after that. Please forgive me? Please tell me these 2 years of us being together is something that can be thrown away just because of one stupid mistake!" He said and there were tears coming down his face. You started to cry and you bent down to hug him. He laughed and kissed your forehead and you kissed his cheek.

"These 2 years are the best years of my life and just one mistake is not enough to break us apart but if you screw up again we are immediately over. Okay?" You asked and he nodded quickly.

You spent the night over and you slept with Jc and cuddled with him. He may have screwed up but it wasn't as bad as getting someone pregnant so hey! Let's forget about that one mistake. Yea? Yea.


Hey boogers! That was a mess for me to write! I love Jc and I would never think of him doing anything like this but it just kind of happened )':

QOTD: When was the last time you had a sleep over? I'm going to one tomorrow I feel like a kid again :')

Byeeeee =]

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