Sam Imagine

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Hi boogers! :]


You sat on the couch on your phone going through twitter. You saw the usually things like "kill yourself", "you're not good enough for Sam", and the one you would see the most "Just break up you guys have nothing in common!". Even though that was a lie you still felt pretty shitty seeing it. All of them were just rude things basically telling you to end it or that you guys don't go good together.

The new house was full of all the boys and a few more people. They even had some girls over and they kept clinging onto Sam. You got up but then your phone dinged. You looked at the screen and saw that someone mentioned you on twitter so you unlocked your phone. You clicked on the notification and someone tweeted "Sam could do better than you and he should." you shrugged your sholders. The usual crap people say doesn't affect you a lot. You walked to the kitchen where some of them where and a lot was happening. You looked for Sam and saw him outside by the pool with the boys. You went through the window. You always wanted to do that and it was pretty cool. You stood next to Sam and then you tapped his shoulder. He shooed you around without even looking at you. 

"Sammy?" You asked tapping his shoulder again. He turned around and didn't even smile and he looked annoyed.

"What?" He asked with an annoyed tone. You rubbed your arms awkwardly. He never ignores you or acts this way. What is wrong? You asked yourself.

"Can we go to the park?" You asked and he shook his head laughing.

"No i'm done with going to that old park." He causually said and you walked away. Wow. You thought, the park was yours and his go to place. A lot of memories happened there and he acts as if it had no meaning. You go back to the couch and sit down going through twitter once again. A few minutes pass by and the house gets full of laughter. You look towards the noise and you see all the boys getting their stuff then they walk out the front door. Your lips go into a thin line and you laugh and then get up. You walk through the house grabbing anything that belonged to you. After you gathered everything you owned you walked out of the house making sure to lock it then you skate home. You lived a few blocks away from each other. The first time you met him was at the park and you talked a lot after that. You get home and you immediately go to your room and you plop onto your bed. You fall into a deep slumber.

*4 Hours Later*

You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. You looked for it in your blankets and it kept ringing. You looked over your bed and saw it on the floor and you saw the name. Sam was calling and you really didn't feel like answering but you did anyways.

"(Y/n), do you want to go to the park now?" He asked and you laughed. He chuckled along thinking that your laugh was cute. He would always say that your laugh was contagious.

"No." You said flatly. You were about to hang up when he started to talk again.

"Why not? Please I want to go!" He begged and you shook your head even though he couldn't see.

"No i'm not going because 1. it's late and 2. you didn't want to go earlier. You only want to go when you want to but you never want to go when I do." You said quickly putting your head in your hands.

"Come on let's go!" He practically yelled and you flinched.

"Sam you've changed.. I think it's time to have a break..." You said the last sentence quietly with tears in your eyes.

"(Y/n) no, please?" He said and his voice sounded hurt.

"Yes Sam.." You said and he coughed. He sounded really hurt but you didn't give in. If you did then it would still be the same. He would still ignore you and shoo you away.

His breath was uneasy and you hung up before he said anything else.

This was the end of it all. 


Hey! Sorry for any mistakes I did this on my computer so no auto-correct. I just wanted to say that Fridays and Saturdays imagines may be post-poned because i'm sleeping over at my besties to get outfits for a concert we are going to.

QOTD: If you went to a concert or event which would you go to? I'm going to the one direction concert in Tulsa :') Three years that i've been a directioner and now I get to finally see them :')

Byeeeee =]

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