Jc Imagine

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Hi Boogers!


You were ate a skating park with some friends. While you were skating your best friend told you that more people were coming. Someone had rented the place out so some people could record here and you were asked to come along. At first you felt a bit awkward about going but, then your best friend told you it would be a blast so you decided to come. After a few minutes of skating around and doing tricks you decided to join your friend at a table. You slapped your friend on the back and he yelped and everyone laughed at him.

"Kiki! What's wrong? You look like a tomato." You said laughing as you sat next to him and he glared at you.

"That felt like a man slapped me." He said looking away and you scoffed.

"Ok." You said and you lifted your hand and you shook your head at him. That made people laugh and you smiled. You were always known for being the funny person among your group of friends. It was you, Kian, Connor, Trevor, Sam, and Ricky. It would be weird for other girls to have like five guys as friends but it didn't matter to you. After minutes of chatting and laughing you heard screams of joy and you got up following the guys.

"Jc! Hey man!" Kian yelled and you smiled. If Kian knows them then your a okay with this guy. You saw the guy and you had to take him all in. He had a black shirt with a bleached jacket and black skinny jeans that were rolled up and some black worn out vans and you loved it. He may have been all dressed in black but it looked sexy as hell to you. The next thing you know he was standing right in front of you and smiled. You snapped out of it and you smiled and hugged him. He chuckled and you giggled. After you let go he looked you up and down and chuckled.

"So you have no chill. That's cool. You get right to it. I like that!" He said with a smile and he pulled you under his arm and you bit your lip. You glanced at Kian and he have you a thumbs up. The guys stopped and you looked at him with a confused expression and he laughed and you thought you were going to die because his laugh and smile were like a gun and it shot you right in the heart.

"Sorry, I forgot my board in the car. I'll be right back!" He yelled as he ran to the car and you blushed. Someone patted your shoulder and you turned around seeing Connor with a smile.

"You're making a good impression on him. He hardly ever treats girls right he usually brushes them off. I guess you okay in his book." He said and you shrugged but on the inside you were dying. Maybe this thing could turn into something else. You thought as you smiled. Connor walked off and he sat at a table. You sighed knowing it would take a while to get back since the parking lot was so far away from here. You got your board and you set it down then you sat on it and moved from side to side with a frown. You watched the guys play around and skate. You saw Trevor fall and you laughed. After about five more minutes you groaned and stood up quickly and you got your board and ran a bit then you threw your board and you jumped onto it and skated. You skated on the sidewalk trying to get to Jc. You heard Kian call you back but you shooed him away and kept skating. On your way there you decided to put on some music. You picked waves by mr probz and you kept going. You saw the parking lot and you smiled as you saw him getting his board out of his car. You stopped there and you watched him. It may sound creepy but oh well he's hot as hell so it doesn't matter. You saw another car pull into the parking lot and you tilted your head in curiosity. You watched a blonde get out and you smiled. Finally another girl I'm not alone! You thought with a smile. She approached Jc and they hugged but you didn't think anything of it. They talked for awhile and then he pulled her into his arms and you furrowed you eyebrows. The girl smiled and he kissed her and lifted her off of the ground and you bit your lip and you got back onto your board. You skated away quickly to not be seen and you got back in about four minutes. When you got there Kian saw you frowning and he pulled you into his arms hugging you and you started to cry. Why am I crying? I don't even know him at all! He doesn't even know my name.. You thought and Kian calmed you down telling you that he tried to stop you because he knew you liked him by the way you acted and he didn't want to you chase after Jc because he also knew Lia his girlfriend was coming and Kian didn't want to see you get hurt. By the time Jc and his girlfriend got back you were smiling. Jc set up a camera and pressed record. He talked into the camera with a smile as he introduced everyone even you but first he asked for you name then he introduced you. During this whole thing you had to smile and be happy so no one would know. Jc didn't talk to you at all he gave all his attention to Lia but you stayed around Kian. Right now he was like your guardian. Keeping you from being bad well at least trying.

Instead of having a blast you had the worst time ever.


I honestly don't know what that was! Ugh! I feel like I'm disappointing you guys with theses bad imagines. :( I might post the other two tomorrow or later tonight because I'm going to a party.

Byeeeee! =]

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