|Chapter 1|

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I had seen some tough shit in my life. My entire family was slaughter in front of my eyes at a young age. I had seen some bad stuff. I should be used to it by now. After all I was Satan's vessel.

A god damn immortal. But this right here was some fucked up shit. In front of me was a completely mauled up apart stripper. Big heel were on her feet. That were not connected to her body and were stained in blood. I swear this made the Black Dahlia case look good.

'Probably does, this is some interesting techniques they used. Poor girl, someone really hated her.' 'Honestly Mondays suck.' I went and did my annual jog on Monday. Through the woods that Dalton's parents had bought for them to run in. And it was a nice place to jog in and not get lost easily.

Not to mention Dalton came with me so we wouldn't get lost. I mean he was a werewolf and knew these woods very well. So if we did get lost, well if I got lost. Dalton could get us back. He proved it before so you know.

My eyes shifted back to the dead woman stripper. She had dyed blonde hair with extreme roots. Her bloodied face also had blood red lipstick and extreme make-up that wasn't stained in blood. Her guts were torn out along with her intestines. You could see her food which was disgusting.

"You think she'll be missed?" I asked. "Well look for an ID." Dalton said. "She looks like a stripper." I responded. 'Nice observation, captain obvious.' 'Well she's in a mini skirt, crop top, and freaking big as stilettos. They don't walk through the woods.' Satan nodded as that as I crouched down.

I reached into her pocket and pulled out a wallet very skillfully careful not to touch much on her. Then I opened it. My eyes went instantly to a wad of cash. "Well no one cared about her money, and it's a lot of money even I don't carry that much." I responded.

"She has some money in her bra and panties." Dalton said glancing at her. "Told ya she's a stripper." I said standing up and pulling out her ID and looking into a less. . . mauled picture of the stripper before us. 'Nice way to put it.'

Name: Gigi Giggles
Age: 30
State: New York
Sex: Female

Well that was a weird name. Gigi Giggles. "Rest in peace Gigi Giggles." I said. "That's her name?" Dalton asked. "Gigi Giggles, I bet her stripper name was The Giggles." I said with a smirk. 'Well that is a strange stripper name, Lilith calls herself the sex demon. Since she's a sex demon.'

'Lilith is a stripper?' 'No, but she said if she was, she'd be a stripper.' I nodded. "What do you think killed her?" Dalton asked. "Maybe some client who didn't get all the goods of the giggles." I responded with a small smirk.

"Isabella." Dalton said. "Looks like an animal attack, maybe a rogue. This is very aggressive assault. Like a regular wolf would aim for the throat. A coyote maybe, but way too big of bite marks to be a coyote." I said and Dalton nodded. "Any rogue activity?" I asked. "No, not that I've noticed." Dalton said.

I nodded.

"So do you think a rogue sneaked in?" Dalton asked. "Might of. Maybe they visited the giggles and didn't get what they wanted." I said. Dalton shook his head. 'You aren't a crime detective though you know.' 'I feel awesome though even with this dead body.'

That did sound mean though. This was some gory shit right here. Like for real, this was some gory stuff. "Well seems our morning jog was ruined. Very happy my breakfast hasn't come up yet." I told Dalton. "Don't say that, if you say it anymore, mine is." Dalton said and I smirked.

Just a little. "Should we call the police?" Dalton asked. "Hell no, my fingerprints on that body probably. I like my jail free life. We'll call The Organization. They'll do some things before bringing her to the police." I said pulling out my phone and going into the contacts.

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