|Chapter 18|

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My room was just as I remembered it when I left it last time. The only time my parents went into my room was for the fish in my bedframe. A big fish tank surrounded my bed frame and the bottom has one as well.

My parents fed the fish for me but other than that the room wasn't touched. My rose themed bedroom was left alone. The red cushion between the fish tank was still the way I left it. The 3D like comforter the same thing with red roses on it as well as the pillows.

All assorted the way I left them. 'Mom did say no one goes in our room at all after all. Its our room and she kept to that promise. They only feed our fish so they don't die of starvation and clean it so they don't have a nasty tank.'

My room was lit up by a red glow from the tank and I came over to the fish tank and climbed on the bed. Little fish swam all around the tank along with bigger fish. There was a starfish in there as well. This was my tropical tank.

Full of all the cool fish. 'The ones that always get the attention when a friend comes over or Isabella came over the first time.' My eyes shifted to the fish food on the dresser stand and I grabbed it before shaking some into the tank for the fish to have their dinner.

The moment the fish noticed the food floating in their tank they were quick to dart up and begin eating the food. For dinner we had barbeque ribs with homemade barbeque sauce and some corn on the cob along with baked potatoes. It was good and cooked by my mom and my dad.

My dad grilled the foot while my mom made the barbeque sauce and helped with the baked potatoes. And we also had some pasta salad that my mom made. 'When the two of them help cook it's quite good. With dad on the grill and mom making the food on the stove.'

It was good. It just didn't happen often. Typically if you cooked on the grill, it was only dad on the grill. And then if on the stove only the stove. Unless of course it was a special occasion. They didn't mind cooking together they just didn't do it often.

But when they did it was good and we all enjoyed it. Getting off of the bed I flicked on the lights before going to my suitcase and then looking at my dresser as I lugged my suitcase up onto my bed.

'Time to get unpacking in this room, be with the family a bit longer before heading off to the bed.' That sounded like a nice thing to do. Get everything unpacked into my dresser and then put anything back in it's respective spots in my room. My very upkept room that no one has lived in.

Now I was back in the room and it was about to become quite obvious that I was in this room. I'd probably invite Alana and Kadan over here with Isadora. Isadora so she could have her little playdate with Isaac which they did quite often for them to enjoy each other's company.

And that gave me some time to hang out with Kadan and see how him and Alana were doing. And Isabella might come over if I told her. 'Just have to call her in the morning and ask her if she wants to come hang out over here.'

After all of this, the unpacking I'd spend some time with my family. Catch up with them from all the time I spent in college. Maybe even mention all of this immortal business. Talk to my mom and dad about everything that was going on with all of this.

And no doubt the Vardock family since they knew all about them being banished from this land very well. More than I did of course. They could probably tell me more to tell to Isabella than my knowledge. 'And Isabella will no doubt want to learn about them. She doesn't want to be caught unprepared for them.'

I knew that very well. Isabella would prepare herself for them if they decided to be stupid enough to come onto land they were banished from. Banished because of blood trafficking. And even dare to touch a hunter much less one protected by the pack that banished them.

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