|Chapter 2|

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"So how was your day Dalton?" Nico asked as he moved the baked ziti that Angel had made. "We found a dead stripper named Gigi Giggles." I said with a straight face. The one that snickered was Lyric while she was eating.

Derik shook his head at his mate. 'Well it seems Isabella isn't the only one with a weird sense of humor.' "Her name." Lyric told Derik. Derik shook his head while Isabella smirked at me. As if to say she wasn't the only one who was cracking up about Gigi Giggles.

"How'd she die?" Angel asked. "Rogue attack, nothing serious. Just an angry rogue and a lonely stripper in the wrong place." I responded. "I bet she didn't give him a lap dance." Isabella said and I shook my head at Isabella. "Your not supposed to talk ill of the dead." Orchid said.

Isabella shrugged. "The dead stay dead, I'm not worried." Isabella responded. Orchid shook her head at that. 'Our luck Gigi is going to show up and haunt our asses. That's going to be our luck.' Probably. Although Isabella would pull some Satan trick and burn Gigi in hell because of how awesome she could be.

'Isabella is awesome, she sure is.' I nodded as I took a bite from my baked ziti. Angel didn't ask us if the food was good anymore as she was confident in herself. She only really asked Isabella who stopped comparing it to Flimur finally.

But Isabella was the only one that Angel asked if she liked the food. Three reasons. 1, Isabella was a picky eater. 2, she sometimes acts like a food critic. And lastly 3, if she didn't like it, oh would she let you know.

I looked over at Isabella. 'Like how she picked up her plate of food at the restaurant and slung it at the waiter telling him it tasted like shit. He responded that he didn't cook so she slung the rest at the chef.' Yeah Isabella did not react happily if she didn't like the food you cooked her.

So I made sure it tasted good or took recipes from Flimur himself. So Isabella didn't fling food at me anymore. Isabella was now peacefully eating the baked ziti. Just sitting there munching on the baked ziti with a smirk on her face. Still no doubt thinking about Gigi Giggles.

'Well that isn't someone to easily forget with that name.' Yeah. So not easy to forget. It'd be engraved in my head for a nice amount of time. Right now I'm not sure what is worse. The stripper's name or how bad she was mauled.

She was brutally torn apart. Isabella wasn't lying when she said she made the Black Dahlia case look good in some ways. She didn't have that creepy Glasgow smile, but she was torn apart. Her foot was missing. Least she had some clothes on which was a benefit. She wasn't naked for everyone to see.

More of torn apart by a rogue then some unknown sadistic killer. And her killer was shot dead by Isabella. Sometimes I wonder how Isabella deals with all the violent things she subjected to as a hunter. She dealt with it so well like it was nothing to her.

'Well she did grow up hunting. She grew up in a family that were hunters and been for centuries no less.' 'Sorta like how we grew up in the werewolf life in a way.' Ash nodded. Isabella was brave, that was one thing I knew. And one of the things I admired about her.

She rarely backed down from anything and the only fear I know she has is cannibals. They freak the shit out of her. One of the reasons she had a harder time dealing with the wendigo that The First sent. As it had been a human at one point it had been a human who cannibalized.

Isabella however pulled herself through. 'After some encouragement from Orchid of course.' I nodded in agreement with Ash. "So just a stripper named Gigi Giggles?" Nico asked. I bit my lip remembering what Isabella did to the body crew new person bringing a smile to my face.

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