|Chapter 29|

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"So they came by boat?" Ryne asked and I nodded at that. "I'll call Kane. They are probably preparing the next move by now." Ryne said and I nodded at that. Ryne got up and got his iPhone before disappearing to go call Kane.

Enyr was at the table sitting next to Lucas waiting for Flimur to come over with the food. 'See Dalton missed some good food cause' you had to send him away instantly.' 'Well his family does need to know about this you know.' 'Well yeah.' And I wasn't waiting.

Garrick was following Dalton home to make sure he got their safely. And nothing would disturb him on his way home. No Vardock vampires looking for a death wish. They had me pissed enough with come here. They hurt Dalton? I'm going to fuck them up beyond belief at the end.

Which is why I sent Garrick. 'Garrick won't let anything happen to Dalton. Unless those Vardock vampires want to encounter an extremely powerful ancient hellhound.' 'One that I told to shred any Vardock vampires looking to hurt Dalton in this war.' Satan nodded. I could feel this war approaching.

"So it seems you and Dalton found some things." Lucas commented and I nodded at that. "Yeah those Vardock vampires came on a ship and managed to bypass us that way. But I'm running plates to see if we can track them down through that." I told Lucas who nodded.

"That is a smart idea." Lucas said and I nodded. "And it sounds like something I'd do." Lucas said and I nodded. "You did teach me that." I remind Lucas who smiled at that remembering all our hacking sessions. How to rack license plates and things like that.

'I remember that as well. Lilith and I use to irritate the shit out of you during those times. It was my favorite thing to do. Knowing you hated all of that.' I was young back then, around thirteen. Seeing Lilith and Satan grind on each other was not what my thirteen year old self wanted to see.

Not at all. Back then all I cared about was dark anime, doing dark drawings of practically everything, going through every weapon, meeting a fellow vessel. That's what went through my thirteen year old brain. Not grinding demons for sure, that was the last thing in my mind.

'Until we began grinding and tainted your innocent mind. Maybe that's why you were so mean to Dalton about relationships.' I shrugged. Lucas was probably seventeen around then. He was in his twenties now. He was Enyr and Ryne's age. But he was a vessel and was a good friend of mine.

My gay good friend. With Derik being my best friend. I looked over to see Flimur bring over a plate of cheeseburgers with some Arby's curly fries making me smile as he set it down in front of us along with some plates. I smiled at that.

'It does look good doesn't it. Hmm. I should probably go find some food as well.' 'Yeah, can't have the king of hell feeling famish.' I could imagine that smirk that Satan gave. As each plate was set down we began to get our food as I grabbed mine before brushing my hair from my face.

Once I had my food on my plate I was happy and began to eat as Flimur left to go feed Caesar and Maryse. Soon those two were eating side by side as I plucked out some curly fries.

And savored the taste. 'It may not be the restaurant and won't taste like it, but Flimur does make some good fries.' And I had the fried ones because Lyric was eating over here. Lyric liked hers in the oven. She said her stomach would sometimes get upset if they were fried.

So Flimur made her some in the oven. Once all my fries were gone I worked on my burger. The huge delicious burger. And it was homemade burger as well. Flimur bought fresh meat, and three different types of burgers as well for all of us. 'Flimur outdid himself with this delicious dinner.'

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