|Chapter 23|

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Border control. One of the most fun things to do is it not? Correction it is the worst fucking thing to do in the world. I'd rather take on a goddamn sumo wrestler. At least that was activity compared to freaking border control.

Lucas was here with his crossbow with bolts at his side as well. Derik with his shotgun full of shells and Enyr with his lone Glock, Ryne with a machine pistol, then lastly me with my twin pistols. And we were all here on border control at Kane's coven grounds.

'Well at least it might bring you a lead to something considering Kane called you guys in. And offer a four hundred per person meaning it must be something big for Kane to pay all of you that.' It may seem little but there were six of us.

"Kane spill the secret what did you find on the border?" I asked Kane who glanced at me as Alexon walked behind him. "You'll have to wait until we get here, but I promise you I'm not wasting your time." Kane said moving forward through the dusk lighting as he called us only an hour ago.

'Offering four hundred dollars per person who came to do a border check for him.' 'I hate border checks but money is money and I need money. I got a phone payment due and a RAC center bill for the new table Ryne got.' Satan nodded.

Ryne bought a beautiful wooden table. Shiny and polished with seven seats, four extra seats for any guests. It was made of mahogany wood and had a bit of glass in the center. With the table came matching chairs with woven stick seats that you put cushions on. Orchid showed it to us saying it'd be nice.

And then Ryne fell in love with the set and bought it, well renting to own it as of right now. Now I was here so I agreed to help with the RAC bill as I was using the table as well so I agreed to help Enyr and Ryne with the RAC bill for the table.

We split the bill between us. 'Meaning in no time that beautiful dining table and chair set will belong to you three. And I can tell Ryne is excited for that. You guys are growing up so much it brings tears to my eyes.'

And now Satan was going sappy on me as well. Just what I needed, a sappy Satan. Satan rolled his eyes as we continued through the woods while I silently continued my hand on a pistol prepared for anything to charge out at me while we were out here in the woods.

I didn't trust being out here along in the woods, especially in vampire territory. Sure Kane was a great vampire, an ally of The Hunter's Organization but anything could be lurking on a vampire's territory. And I'd rather be safe than sorry at the moment. Nothing was taking me by surprise today.

'Which is why we will be alert, keen as a fox, focused like a wolf, and fierce like a bear.' 'Well that's quite something you made there Satan.' 'I know, I just thought of it up. You like it?' All I could do was shake my head at Satan and how weird he could be.

Satan was an awesome guy when I thought about it but he could also have a few screws loose as well when he was in that type of 'mood' when he seems a bit crazy. But that was Satan.

'Well  it's also you. Your a bit crazy at times, but we all love you for that. Most specifically Dalton, he really like's that crazy devilish side of you. He probably finds it hot as well.' The thought of Dalton caught me off guard for a moment. A perfect time to attack me if anything was out there.

But nothing did. Those crystal blue eyes with golden flecks washed over me and that cute smile. How he had those cute boyish looks and not that manly asshole looks of a complete muscled Adonis. He had looks that I found nice on someone like him.

Those cute boys next door look mixed with a dominant alpha which made quite the combo when I actually think about it. 'Yes, a cute boy next door look with those alpha genes of his create quite the combo for sure and you got a first hand look at the combo it can create.' I nodded in agreement.

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