|Chapter 5|

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"Has there been any reports of the supernatural talking?" I asked the women at the desk who looked up at me then gave me a look like I was crazy. "The supernatural are always talking." The women responded before going back to her computer.

Derik gave me this look as if to say 'I told you so' and I gritted my teeth. Of course they decided to get new staff. New staff who had no idea who Derik and I were. 'You could always remind them who you guys are and install fear like you did in the hunter recruits.'

Oh that was a good day. Installing the fear in the graduating hunters. That was fun and I only installed fear into one of the new staff. The new staff was Sean, one of the body crew guys. Now he had fear for me.

I did love installing fear into people reminding them that there was someone stronger than them. It was a good thing to pass time. "I'm talking to you." I responded my fists clenching. I was dying to show her the flames that I controlled, but I kept myself controlled.

I didn't need to get that heated up just yet. 'Yes patience is a virtue and you can show her the flames later if she doesn't want to cooperate. Just give her time to see if she will before you use the flames on her.' I guess I'd give her some times. I smirked.

"So was there any talk of the supernatural, do you know if they are talking about anything. This is an important question." I responded. "Like I said before, the supernatural are always talking, we don't keep up with everything so go somewhere else with your gossip issues." She responded.

I really do hate all these female staff that worked the computers. 'They are either traitors or complete bitches who think they are above everyone.' 'All they do is look at information on the computer that is supplied by all the people that do things, they aren't all that great most of the time.'

There was the occasional very intelligent one or the hacker who are useful. One of the staff of The Organization was a bigtime hacker and taught Lucas everything that he knows. He was sorta blackmailed into becoming one of the staff and member of The Organization.

Before that he was just a hacker who stayed at home. 'Man did he make a living though, all he really did was sit at home on a computer being a hacker. When I was on earth I fought for my life and all of those things and went to war.'

Yeah, but he hacked banks to supply himself money into numerous accounts under none of his names. He shut down a military base, a few of them. Completely as he erased everything and got all sorts of intel. 'He is very useful.' He even got footage of things he shouldn't.

But he hacked into the white house. And went upon a file he wasn't supposed to be in, part of the FBI-White House unit. The FBI-White house-supernatural control unit to be exact. And he saw all those pictures and got so much things from that, but he left the backdoor open.

The Organization wouldn't of cared, they don't care about the government but he went into the wrong file for sure. 'So they tracked him through his IP address gave him two options, them or death. He chose them.' Now he works for them as a hacker to get into things they shouldn't be in.

Things that people didn't want them to be in. I grinded my teeth together and looked at the women. "Look I get that we're getting new staff and none of you know who I am, but do I have to create myself a name again, starting with you?" I asked.

'Wearing that angelic smile.' "You might have to." Derik said. "I will call security." She responded. "Oh I guess I have to show all the new staff who I am." I told Derik who smirked. He had been waiting and talked to Lyric some about what would be happened.

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