|Chapter 13|

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Summer break. It was always so tempting back in high school the thought of freedom. Now I knew it wasn't freedom since I was in college. After summer semester was done I'd start back up in the autumn semester once more.

But with summer break came the summer exams or spring exams when I thought about it. The exams to do before summer break officially started. Then I'd head back to Greenburg to my duplex to be in my own bed, in the duplex I had been paying for that my brothers now pay for.

'Well you are in college and are unable to pay for it since you have to deal with the expenses on. And they are living there so Enyr and Ryne pay the bills since they are the ones that make the bills build up.' Yes they were but once I was done with college I'd begin paying bills once more.

I knew Enyr planned to move into Lucas's duplex not even a mile away from my duplex. Ryne was considering getting himself a small two bedroom mobile house with some land for him and his girlfriend. Yeah his girlfriend.

'And this means your closer to meeting her does it not?' 'It does and Ryne can only keep her away from us for so long before he has to introduce us to his girlfriend.' I only kept Dalton concealed so long so Ryne could only hide his girlfriend so long like I did with Dalton.

But now here I sat in the room of the art class of college. A pen in my hand as I stared down at the papers of the exam. The written exam as I did the art part of the exam and had handed it into the professor by now.

I had the written parts. 'I think everyone hates the written parts of the exams. You do have to explain things while with the art side you let things come to your mind instead of forcing it out.' I nodded in agreement as I tapped the pen against the paper.

And cheating was always out of question. I wasn't a cheater, I did everything of my own will not cheating off of someone else. There was no need for me to cheat. Somehow I'd pull through like I always did. Tapping the pen once more I hit the clicking part of the ballpoint gel pen.

With that I began writing down my process of art in that section. What I did to get inspiration to do all of my art. 'Which isn't all that complicated. It's like a mood that gets you into wanting to make beautiful artwork beyond measures of a normal human brain can't understand.'

That thought made me smile. 'Like getting in the mood for sex. It doesn't just happen like every thinks it does. Not even for sex demons, they have to get in the mood.' I don't even want to know how we went from the mood of art to the mood of sex.

Yeah that can just remain a secret on how this came to this. No need to find out how it went from the mood of art to the mood of sex. After I wrote out my process of how I do art I went on with the exam.

All I wanted to do now was finish this exam. 'And then off to the dorm to begin going through all those files Victor gave you, the ones Dalton offered to help you with.'

He did offer to help and I of course accepted it. I'd take any help to discover these things that could help me deal with what was happening. Someone had my secret and Victor gave me names, addresses, and videos that could help me with all of this but there was a lot of things.

'And then Dalton offered to help and two people are better than just one trying to find out the truth amongst everything. It means you'll sort through all those files at a much faster pace then if it was just you.' That was very true for sure.

Turning back to my exam with the ballpoint ben in my hand I flipped the page of the exam and got to work on this damn exam. Twirling my pen around I got to work knowing after this I'd be off doing things that would benefit me and not just in a way of passing this semester.
The moment college let loose I was out the door and out of the campus and in my car. Dalton drove himself to school today to my surprise. He had a perfectly good pick-up truck that he finally put to use today and rode in it.

 I got a text from him that he would meet me at my dorm in about twenty minutes. 'And then he'll be there to help you out with everything which is good when you think about it.' Now here I was sitting on the couch of the dorm. Angel had left with Nico for a run.

This left me in the dorm that was empty save for Maryse and I. I had cleared off the coffee table which seemed futile as it was now covered in files and my MacBook laptop. The Organization supplied me with it to have something portable of all the info.

Back at the condo we had one iMac in the basement, well two of all the info The Organization sent us. Then three iMac's sent up in Lucas's van-SUV like car. 'That is a van I would not want trailing me down the street since I know exactly what is in that van.'

There was the computer screens set up typically linked to cameras we set up and capable of hacking into the camera systems all around. Loaded with weapons of all sorts and bins on bins full of ammo. It just wasn't a van you wanted to be trailed by.

I grabbed the files once more and began sorting through them into a nice pile. 'It might be helpful to sort through them. Yeah, Dalton would probably appreciate that a lot.' I nodded in agreement with Satan. Dalton probably wouldn't mind if I sorted through some of it.

I continued through putting things into a pile I deemed good to sort through before I powered up my fully charged MacBook before brushing the raven colored hair from my face as I continued on sorting through everything wondering when Dalton was going to get here so we could get on with this.

I did tell him I'd let him work with me. 'And you don't want to offend him by starting without me. As he may find it offensive for all you know.' 'You also said it'd be easier to sort through all of this with someone to help me.'

Satan shrugged at that remembering he did tell me that back in class. I looked back at my MacBook which pulled up the password screen and I leaned forward to type in my password and then hit entered as the home screen pulled up. Harley Quinn's hellhounds from Injustice 2.

I smiled as I began going through my email to get up the things that Victor had sent me. 'He probably has everything under some code name like he always does.' I nodded in agreement as I pulled up the email just as the door opened and I looked up to see who was there.

Dalton closed the door behind him while holding two bags of Burger King making a smile light my face up. "Crispy Chicken sandwich, plain with cheese, two of them actually in case you were really hungry. And then some onion rings." Dalton said as he came over and set the bag down.

'And look he brings you some good food as well no less. Burger King. And he got your favorites no less, such a sweet boy.' Dalton sat down next to me as he took out his meal as I reached for mine and took out the onion rings and went to eating them.

"Thanks." I told Dalton who simply smiled at me as he took out his own little thing of onion rings although I saw a second pack of them. He did eat a lot. Dalton looked at me. "Well it's best not to work on an empty stomach and Burger King was the closest, I didn't want to hold you up."

I smiled at Dalton as I picked up another onion ring in my index finger and thumb before putting it in my mouth. "Thanks, well let's get to work." I told Dalton who nodded as our attention was put on the papers.

1448. So do you guys want a Della scene? I mean they are dating. So comment if you want one and you'll get one the next chapter. One that is pretty nice as I've been considering it for over four hours now and it's forming in my head. Until next time #Della marshmallows.

 Until next time #Della marshmallows

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