|Chapter 3|

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"Rogue attack." I mumbled to myself as I filled out the paperwork for the payment for the case I ran. "Mauling of a stripper, rabid rogue. Easy case, but not for beginners. Notes: Check the borders for rogues and keep in touch with the packs."

I smiled as I signed my name off at the bottom. More of initials then anything else. I.K. For a moment I considered doing I.C.K., but barely anyone at The Organization knew of my immortal status. And the initials spelt ick and I'd never live that down.

'Unless you put your middle name then it is, I.R.C.K. Irck. Like someone is irritating you just spelt the opposite way.' Isabella Radiance Corbin-Knight. Or to the rest Isabella Radiance Knight. Very few people knew of the Corbin in my name. The ones who did knew were trusted family and friends.

My brothers, Derik and Lyric. Dalton's family, Kadan and Alana, and then the five generals. Although they knew everything. And Death of course knew things, but wasn't allowed to speak of those things. Some bullshit about the fates, I really hate the fates. That was Death's biggest limitation the fates.

Something that he'd need Isaac for. 'Isaac won't be needed as a vessel as much as you and Lucas. You guys are like our eyes on earth. We can possess you and take care of things. Communicate, lend power. Isaac will be different for sure. Although Death is different then the rest of us as well.'

Death wouldn't need to possess and talk to Isaac on a daily basis. He'd be able to share things with him that he normally couldn't share. Death only had a vessel so he could bend the rules. Isaac would be quite the powerhouse once he was a teenager.

I pity the fool who messes with him. 'He comes from pure alpha bloodlines. Blackwolf and Whitewolf. And will have Death's power once he learns to control it. Combine that and you have a kickass wolf in the end with the power of death itself. He'll be a force to reckon with.'

Isaac was doing good. He wasn't making birds commit suicide anymore. Mostly because Death paid him a little visit. Isaac was bewildered as he was just a baby staring at this big robed figure who was talking to him saying bird suicide must not be done and blah, blah, blah.

Death apparently had always been aware Isaac was his vessel. In a way I was trying to keep it from him. Isaac was Dalton's little brother. And I sorta felt a need to protect him and keep him sheltered. 'But Death said that he wouldn't ever put Isaac at risk.'

Mostly because I threatened him. Seems even Death has a bit of fear for an immortal. Death never swore anything or promised things much. But he promised not to need Isaac much except for important things like something the fates are trying to conceal. I wonder how Isaac will feel about being a vessel.

For me it had been comforting since I was so young. My parents had just died and I believed my brothers had died as well. And Satan, yes the devil brought comfort to me. Because he promised me he'd never leave me.

'And I kept that promise. I may be a demon, the king of hell. But I do keep my promises, it's a code of mine to deliver promises. Some demons don't keep their promises, but I keep mine.' But I was interested on what Isaac would think. Hopefully he wouldn't mind.

But I'd be there. So would Lucas. We'd handle that, when it came of course. Moving some hair from my face I stood up and grabbed the piece of paper before folding it and putting it in the address to be shipped to the headquarters of The Organization.

Taking the envelope I took the stairs down to the lobby and put it in the mailbox before turning around. Love, Rory's mate was down in the lobby with a handwritten letter in her hand as she put it in the mailbox with a smile before turning around.

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