|Chapter 27|

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The borders were watched closely since the meeting happened. Alliances were made and Black Crescent Moon made it's alliance with Kane's coven. Then with the witches and the fae solidifying an alliance between the supernatural species of Greenburg to stand against the Vardock vampire family.

'And to my shock the Unseelie fae made an alliance with the witches. An uneasy alliance but the two species seem ready to work with each other. Better than them turning on each other and then the Vardock's ripping them apart taking away two important allies.'

Which was shocking. But in desperate times of war they sucked up their ways to work together to defeat the Vardock family. 'Like how fallen angels sucked it up and worked with demons in the war against heaven.' Yeah something like that. How the fallen angels worked with demons to survive in the war.

So the fae work with the witches to deal with the evil Russian vampire family. Even the fae made a temporary alliance with The Organization. A temporary one as the fae didn't like alliances with The Organization. One of the few species we didn't really deal with unless we were called in.

Or it got way out of hand. The fae have always been capable of governing themselves so The Organization never really got involved. Werewolves and vampires attempted to govern themselves similar to how fae do. 'Of course it never worked. As fae had always had been governing themselves since the beginning of time.'

A group of werewolves made the royal werewolves and the werewolf council. Despite them being royal they couldn't actually govern the werewolves. There were so many packs and so little of them and the council. If the werewolves desired to, they could easily overthrow them without any problem.

And the vampires made a king and queen. But all the covens combined could overthrow them as well. 'A reason that they are also governed by The Organization. And they prefer it as The Organization aren't the nasty people who don't care about anyone.' I nodded in agreement.

But the fae were divided into courts. The Seelie court and the Unseelie court. A reason it worked so well. You either were part of the Seelie court or the Unseelie court. And the queen or king had absolute respect from all their subjects and they weren't corrupt as the same family was always on the throne.

'And all of them are loyal to their court. They live within the Seelie or Unseelie courts and are always near the people that rule. And were taught respect.' A reason the fae wouldn't overthrow their courts. The fae wouldn't even think of overthrowing their courts at all.

Without the courts the fae were nothing. It went to anarchy and the fae couldn't live in anarchy. They lived and breathed the court life. It was just the way of the fae and it had always been the way of the fae. There wasn't a single account of when there wasn't courts.

'While some idiotic power hungry werewolves and vampires hungry for lots of power decided to copycat the fae. Of course they didn't do it too well. The werewolves and the vampires don't respect the royals and never will respect them.' Even I knew that, someone who didn't follow the royal shit.

There were even rumors of the royals who were going to be overthrown one day. That everyone was sick of their ruling and would rise up against them. Maybe that's what would divide the attention from me and my immortal ways and back to the corrupt council and royals.

'Give it time it will happen one of these days.' Wolves were pack animals making werewolves pack animals as well. The only form of governing in wolves were the alpha and the luna. And that's the only thing werewolves in packs listened to was the alpha's commands as well as the luna's commands.

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