|Chapter 26|

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For a moment I thought I heard Kane wrongly on what he had said. But his face was serious without any jokes on it. He was dead serious and Kane wouldn't pull a prank like this and now the tension was rising in the room.

The Vardock's were banished from America and the supernatural population of Greenburg helped with the banishment. 'Our ancestors made sure that they were banished and now they disregard the banishment and set foot on our land. They might as well be declaring war on us at this point.'

And they were here from the rumors of an immortal. They were here to harm Isabella no less. "Kane they were banished from here, only a fool would come back against us." The fae queen announced and Kane turned towards her just as the vampire he set off came back in.

'With a big ass body in his hand, I'm guessing this is why Isabella was on border patrol out here. And they found this body which connects to the Vardock's somehow and she was unable to text us about it. So now here we are finding out about it.'

"I am aware Queen Nightfall." Kane said as the body was set down. "But your majesty, this is the Vardock sigil burned into one of my men. And torn apart. And this is not the work of a Forsaken, the body was drained as well and too neatly drained." Kane said and Queen Nightfall looked at the body.

I saw her suck in a breath and bits of anger fill her eyes. 'And now the Vardock's not only pissed off Isabella the vessel of Satan they pissed off Queen Nightfall, the queen of the Unseelie court.' Yeah they were so fucked if she got her hands on them.

Some Seelie could have a forgiving nature. But Queen Nightfall wasn't a Seelie. She was an Unseelie and I knew myself that this was not forgivable. "If they were a subject they just disobeyed you and killed one of your valuable Unseelie Knights and soon will be after you." Kane said.

The anger turned to rage. "They want to say fuck it to the banishment?" Queen Nightfall asked and Kane nodded. The Unseelie prince watched his mother silently, I didn't know his name and wasn't about to ask him either. 'It'd be weird asking him in the middle of an extremely important meeting for his name.'

It would be. "Well I say fuck it to mercy. If I find them, and I will mark my words Kane. They'll come out, I'll tear them apart." Queen Nightfall pronounced. My mom watched the queen with bits of admire in her eyes.

Queen Nightfall was a queen and she knew it well. 'It is never smart to cross a fae queen much less one of the Unseelie court.' "And why are they breaking this banishment?" Queen Nightfall asked digging her nails into the table. I knew why, but it wasn't my secret to tell.

"I do not know Queen Nightfall, but whatever possessed them to do this they will regret. I can promise you all that." Kane proclaimed to all of us. Isabella was sitting next to Derik quietly watching the scene.

'Her mind is no doubt a thunderstorm, a hurricane heading towards the Vardock family and they are so not prepared for the storm coming their way.' 'No they are not and when this storm arrives they are so screwed.' And we both knew well. The Vardock's however had no idea the storm they were trying to fight.

They didn't know Isabella like I did. All they thought was probably immortal, and an attempt to get revenge. But Isabella was no normal immortal. Normal couldn't even describe Isabella in the slightest. She was the vessel of Satan as well and they were underestimating her for sure.

'Which is going to be the mistake in this war they are declaring on us.' I nodded. "So there is a war forming?" The new leader witch asked. "Yes Arabella Tiger, they declared war on us with this." Kane said looking at the young witch. The new coven leader of Big Cat coven.

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