|Chapter 6|

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For Mother's day when we were in college, well Rodney and Rory they face timed us and we face timed during dinner and throughout the day. But this Mother's day we did not do any of that. Our mom gave us a surprise call.

She gave us an address to go to and we rounded everyone up. I expected something like some intense face time thing, but that was not it at all. My mom planned one better then some huge face time thing that we could do. The room she rented out was huge.

'And dad and mom along with our parents, Alana's parents and Kadan's parents were there.' And my mom had a catering service for lunch. Mom also said she had a nice plan for dinner, but refused to tell us of course. Now here we were in the room and I was next to Isabella.

All the moms were in there own little section. Which included my mom, Kadan's, Alana's, and Alana since she was a mom. Her second mother's day. I remember her first time she had this smile on her face at being a mom and I remember Kadan's father day.

My best friend was a dad and had a kid. 'It seems hard to understand that they are now parents even though they've been parents for almost two years now.' I nodded in agreement. I smiled and looked at Isabella who was with her brothers and all of them from the hunters.

"I called my mom, she's been busy. Dad bought her a bunch of berries and a new crossbow to use. I sent her the bolts that mean instant death along with a pistol crossbow which will be useful to her since she got restrained to the tree as a sniper in a way." Lucas said.

'Well I see where he gets the love of the crossbow from.' I nodded in agreement with that. Lucas sure did love his crossbow a lot. He really did, I've only ever seen him use the crossbow never seen him use anything except his crossbow.

"I had flowers shipped to mom's grave." Enyr said and I looked in their direction. Isabella went silent at that. "What kind of flowers?" Isabella asked as she began to pet Maryse and I could feel the bit of sadness for Isabella. Her mother was dad and it was mother's day.

'It seems to suck, but there is always a good side to everything. She still has us around which is good. And her uncle is beginning to move a bit more which is good.' He was her last living kin, the only other Knight besides Isabella and her brothers.

I watched Isabella. "I shipped violets." Enyr responded and Isabella smiled. "Those were her favorite." Isabella said with this sad smile on her face. "I know that's why I sent them. And they're real not faked. People steal fake ones." Enyr said as Isabella picked up a piece of chocolate to eat.

My mom looked around with a smile on her face. 'Mission accomplished we all got to spend Mother's day together with this happy air to it as well.' 'Yeah like a big happy family. . . no not family. A big happy pack.' Ash smiled at that as I looked around the room.

Everyone was here. Rory and his mate Love. Rodney and his mate Freya. Angel and Nico. Andrew and Orchid. Noah was in his little corner of the room on his phone texting someone no doubt about that. He was either texting one of his few friends or had his head in a book.

Out of all of us Noah was antisocial and preferred to be left alone. The only people he willingly talk to is family. And this one werewolf warrior in training. The warrior refused to leave him alone even when Noah ignored him, the warrior trained him.

'Yeah it was actually funny. Mom told us about how him and the warrior in training are in good training. And that the warrior is teaching Noah a few fighting techniques.' I  watched Noah as his lips tinged up in this small little smirk that didn't happen so much. He typically just had a regular look.

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