|Chapter 10|

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Isabella was at her shooting station putting the bullets into the clip before she pushed the clip into the pistol and aimed at the target. Then she began pulling the trigger at the tall human shaped target her eyes furrowed at the target.

There were spots on the target where the vital points would be. The heart, the head, the brain, the lungs, and other spots were spread across the target. Isabella shot every part of the target without hesitation and smoke was steaming from her gun as she continued to fire.

The bullets left small marks before falling to the ground while the shells fell near the both of us. 'Well I guess this is better than her going out and shooting someone who has her secret. That is something we do not need right now at all.' I nodded in agreement with Ash.

If going to the shooting range with Isabella every day kept her calm and collected then I'd do it. Fuck the looks these hunters gave me. They looked at me like I was dirt underneath them, those were the prodigious ones. While some really didn't care that a werewolf was here.

There was always those assholes everywhere that believed you to be beneath them. And there were hunters who hated werewolves. 'Hence the looks we get when we come here.' 'But the looks Isabella gives when she sees them are even more fearsome then the ones they give us.' Ash nodded at that.

Isabella did not play around when it came around to all these hunters and the looks they gave to the supernatural. Some didn't care for the supernatural, some liked them, and others hated them. 'Same thing with the supernatural, some don't care about hunter, some tolerate them, some have alliances, some like them, and then there are ones that hate them.'

Originally Black Crescent Moon tolerated hunters now we have an alliance with The Organization. And hunters living in our territory no less as well. That's how it worked now. In Black Crescent Moon there was alliances with The Organization.

And protection installed. The hunters there were under pack protection, so if another werewolf was to harm them the pack would handle it themselves. And if a pack or a hunter was to harm the pack the hunters would have full abilities to harm the pack, hunter or whatever else as the protection that we have.

'We protect them and they protect us which puts in a good system that keeps all of us safe which is a good thing.' I looked back at Isabella who was shooting the head again and again and again until there was a smoking hole in it earning her some looks.

Isabella however didn't care which was typical of her. Isabella never did care what people thought of her, something that attracted me to her. The only thing she didn't like people knowing was that we were dating. I don't know why either. Isabella was nice.

I don't see myself as embarrassing. I didn't do anything to embarrass Isabella so it probably wasn't that. 'Maybe she just doesn't want people knowing since they enjoy teasing her about it so it's sort of expected. I wouldn't want to be teased about it either if I was Isabella.'

I nodded in agreement. You could tease Isabella endless about most things and she shrugged it off not the least bit bothered. But you teased her about our relationship, made snide comments or anything all love like then to be prepared for her wrath. She doesn't like our relationship being brought up constantly.

'She's much more easygoing out in public when it's just us on a date and no one else. Maybe even the occasional double date with Derik and Lyric since Lyric scolds Derik not to tease Isabella so he doesn't do it anymore to make Lyric happy and to have a less angry Isabella.'

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