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Time passed on with Isabella and I going out more places. My family talked to the supernatural about Isabella's immortal status. Everyone agreed not to use it against her and Queen Nightfall even seemed a bit pleased about it, an immortal in her town.

An alliance with an immortal. Something that had never happened in history before. And immortals were once just bogey man. But we all saw. The silver that conquered Isabella's eyes. It only started turning back blue and silver hours later when Isabella calmed down then the silver stopped taking over.

'A sign of her immortality without a doubt. Her eyes hadn't been pure silver since Pexhar stabbed her and she came back to life her eyes silver. Isabella's eyes were silver for days.' But this time only for a few hours. As of right now Isabella and I were at a diner.

It was called Aroma, a good diner. A mix between old style and the new style. Isabella was eating some fried chicken and had a small bowl full of delicious mac and cheese. I had a double cheeseburger loaded with fried onions, ketchup, and some other things as well.

And then a side of onion rings. 'A delicious meal. . . not healthy of course, but it was very delicious and Isabella sure is enjoying it.' I nodded looking up at Isabella who was eating her fried chicken. "Enjoying?" I asked and Isabella nodded as she finished her fried chicken and moved to the mac and cheese.

Isabella's blue eyes swirled with silver looked over and caught the gaze of a vampire. She smirked making him gulp and continued on with his job. "Enjoying yourself?" I asked. "It's nice not hiding who I am." Isabella told me and I nodded in agreement with that.

'It is, Isabella now has those beautiful eyes out all the time that you could stare into for hours upon hours.' "Well lets continue eating and less scaring people." I told her. "I can try." Isabella said cracking a smile and I shook my head as we continued eating our food.

-Somewhere in Romania-

"Sire." A man said walking across the floors of the castle in Romania. An elder vampire looked out from the castle onto his rough lands. Wondering if his brother was going to visit him and start another war after all this time in peace but peace never lasted.

"What Helsing?" He asked. "Damian, you have to look at this." Helsing insisted. Damian turned around as Helsing presented a tablet. On it was a blonde with her throat slit bleeding down in their basement. "Why are you showing me our recent donor Kaitlyn?" Damian asked and Helsing cursed and changed the video.

"And her name is Kaylynn." Helsing corrected before showing a black haired girl on top of Asyla Vardock with a stake in her chest. And a wolf killing Salkov Vardock. "Someone managed to kill them? I've been on them, who are these two? I'd like to reward them." Damian announced.

"The wolf is Dalton Ashford, but look at the female's eyes." Helsing said and Damian looked at the eyes and his red eyes widened upon seeing the colors. He hadn't seen that color in anyone except his brother. No one had that eye color as no one took the power.

Her eyes were silver. The silver of an immortal. "Her name is Isabella Corbin-Knight." Helsing said. "My brother had a daughter?" Damian asked. "No. This isn't his daughter. A descendant of his line, your niece though." Helsing said. Damian looked at the black haired girl with silver eyes and the wolf fighting for her.

"She's a Knight?" Damian asked and Helsing nodded. "She's an immortal Damian. She took on the gene. She died and came back as an immortal. She's in Greenburg, New York." Helsing said and a smirk curved up Damian's lips at that. "Does my brother know?" Damian asked.

"Lucian? No. Michael, I have no doubt he knows." Helsing said. "Looks like we have an immortal to find." Damian said with a smirk. An immortal to be found. And things to be revealed.

676. Oh my god we met Isabella's uncle! And that Isabella is a descendent of Michael Corbin. Isabella won't know this yet. But as you can guess Damian will make an appearance in the next book. And now The Immortals has kicked off. When you read this Chapter 1 of Immortals Revelations will be up. See you in Immortal Revelations. Until Immortal Revelations my revelation marshmallows.

 Until Immortal Revelations my revelation marshmallows

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