|Chapter 35|

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There were two deaths in this war. A warrior vampire by the name of Albus Rien. An older vampire without a beloved. He had been staked by a Vardock after killing one. A werewolf avenged his death by tearing him apart without mercy.

And the death of a warlock. His name was Paul Savanna, he had the familiar of a Savanna cat who tore out the Vardock's eyes before a vampire staked it to put it out of it's misery. There bodies were collected. Well the dust of Albus was collected.

Lots were injured. 'In a war lots were killed and lots injured. This war was fortunate for the good side to not have lots of deaths. But most of this is injured.' Even I was injured from the fight with Asyla and Salkov. My ankle had a hairline fracture which put me on a crutch.

All the supernatural of Greenburg were now aware that I was an immortal. All of them did. And they were holding a funeral today. Most of the supernatural were recovered by now so Arabella and Kane decided to have the funeral. Arabella chose for it to be done in the woods.

There were two covens made of wood. 'I've never seen a supernatural funeral before, guess there is a first time for everything now isn't there.' I nodded at that. Dalton was at my side. My brothers were not that far away with Derik, Lucas, and Lyric as well.

Caesar and Maryse were here as well. Everything was in black, all of us as well. Dalton was in a black button up shirt and black trousers. He was staring at the coffin. Orchid managed to get me into a leather skirt. It was a little above my knees and in black as well.

It was hot for all black but somehow those witches cast a spell to make it cool. Jackson was in the front with Danielle, Kane, Arabella, and Queen Nightfall. Most of them were saying their goodbyes as everyone went in line. I didn't go up, I never did at funerals.

Funerals weren't my specialty. I hated them. 'Most people don't like funerals as you have to see someone dead. Someone that you knew well at one point. And now they're all dressed up.' Except Albus, he was just dust in a coffin with some of the things he treasured.

The last funeral I went to was for four people. My father, my mother, and Enyr and Ryne. We tore off the headstone of those two once they were proved alive. But my mother and father were still dad. We cremated them but made headstones for them as some of the ashes were buried.

Dalton stayed behind with me as I looked at the coffin as Arabella said goodbye to the warlock before backing up. 'Her last goodbye to the warlock that fought hard in the war for something that meant a lot to them.' 'A war to show the Vardock's they weren't welcome.'

No Vardock's made it out of America alive. They were all hunted down and the Vardock lined died out in the land they were banished from. It was fitting in a way. I watched as Arabella stopped in front of the coffin. "Have you ever seen a witch funeral before?" Dalton asked.

"No." I answered. 'And neither have I, guess we are going into this together now aren't we?' 'Seems we are isn't it?' Satan nodded. "It's really cool. . . not as cool as a werewolf funeral though. We return our bodies to nature in various ways." Dalton said.

Arabella touched the coffin as Kane closed the vampire's one. "We're doing a witch funeral. Us vampires don't have any special funeral so Arabella is doing the witch funeral. I'm sure Albus wouldn't of minded." Kane said as Arabella backed up and looked at the two coffins set amongst the woods.

'It's been such a long time since you were in the woods that belonged to the Big Cat coven.' 'That is has, and its on good terms; sort of I guess.' Dalton's hand sort of grazed mine before he decided to hold it and I wasn't in the mood to be nasty. Or give attitude.

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