|Chapter 15|

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The Vardock family. Being a hunter allowed me to learn a lot about the supernatural than most normal supernatural or amateur hunters wouldn't know. I researched a lot to know what I was doing. Read tons of journals and got myself up to date.

When I went to Greenburg I prepared myself by researching Black Crescent Moon. It may sound creepy but I learned a lot about the pack. 'The pack that your boyfriend is going to lead one day. Not the least bit creepy at all.' I shrugged before looking back at the computer.

The Vardock family. A family of Russian vampire. Now I was on my MacBook looking them up. College ended a few days ago and soon we'd be heading off to Greenburg to go there in a few days. Maybe that would throw these vampires in a loop a good loop.

'Greenburg is the worst place to attack. It has Kane's coven. Fae that will defend their home no less. Witches. And don't forget Black Crescent Moon and the hunters. Those Vardock's have no idea what they'd be getting into.' If they found out I was an immortal for all that I know they wouldn't care.

I have no ideas what the immortal family apparently did to the Vardock family. But I wasn't responsible for that. Then again this was some old fashioned vampire family we were talking about. Dumb people who still believe you live in the past where you pay for your ancestors mistakes.

I paid for none of my ancestors mistakes. Isabella Radiance Corbin-Knight was her own person. I was my own person. Living in someone's shadow was something that I will never do. I would define my own path. Not follow in someone's foot prints and make their mistakes.

'Which is a reason that I like you so much. You are an independent woman not afraid to speak her mind. You make a great vessel.' Biting my lip I put in Vardock once more in The Organization's list and watched as names and filed piled up making my eyes widen.

This was common for big packs or covens but for just a vampire family? In a way it was impressive, in a very dark way of course. But no less impressive. They racked up quite the amounts of files and numerous profiles on the family members which I'd have a field day going through.

I was half tempted to have Dalton help me with this. He told me to relax but I couldn't. I'm not even sure how Dalton was able to relax. 'He might not be so relaxed on the inside. You are his mate and you mean a lot to him but he doesn't want to be overbearing.'

Well right now I'm sure I'd rather have him be overbearing. Care about me enough to threaten this huge ass vampire family. Although that would be asking a lot from Dalton, I didn't want Dalton to get hurt because of me. It would hurt me badly.

They thought threatening my secrets made me angry? Piss me off by threaten my friends and family and then you'll see a side of me you don't want to see. 'And no one wants to see that side at all. That is something that needs to stay concealed. Don't hurt Isabella's friends or family.'

I nodded in agreement with Satan. I was very protective of my friends. Not that 'you hurt my friends and I'll hurt you' internet troll who has no idea where you live and throws meaningless threats.

Oh no I'll hurt you for sure. I'll track down your damn IP Address. Threaten my brothers and I'll show what its like to get mauled. Say your going to kiss Dalton, oh I'll break your mouth and kiss him in front of you. 'Yeah cause' you can be quite the possessive little hunter here.'

I rolled my eyes at Satan. He was just quite dramatic but I was possessive of my family, that was true and sometimes of my friends. . . and Dalton now. My eyes shifted back to the files before I clicked on some file and began reading the report.

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