|Chapter 25|

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I was tense and on edge while sitting in the room Kane had chosen for the all wide meeting he had called. The room was part of the mansion Kane had bought. Yes Kane owned an honest to god mansion.

Like I thought Dalton lived in a big house. But his wasn't a mansion. His house was more of a cabin, a big cabin, but a cabin. There were ten bedrooms, a guest bedroom, lots of bathrooms, and of course an office for Andrew. They had a nice cabin, it was simply big because they had a big family.

'But Alexon and Kane don't have a big family at all. It's just them and of course the servants that they have. But damn did Kane upgrade from his apartment to this dark looking mansion with this huge ass room in it as well.'

A chandelier hung over as I set my pistol down as Derik came in. "Where's Lyric?" I asked wanting to know where his human mate was. She stayed back in the car when we went on border patrol as it was safer in the car for her but not anymore.

Not with Vardock vampires on the loose. "She's with Alexon. They're making her homemade white cheddar mac and cheese for her to keep her calm and relaxed." Derik said coming over and taking a seat next to me. Maryse was sitting at my feet and watched Derik put down the shotgun.

'She is very observant and has been on alert since you guys found the body with the Vardock sigil on it. Maryse is prepared to take anything down that is stupid to mess with you guys.' Which was good as we needed everything we could considering what is happening. Maryse would be important.

"I don't want to be away from her that long and neither does Aki. Especially considering what's going on. But Alexon told me she'd be fine, but I have an urge to go run and check on her. Even hand cuff her to my damn wrist right now." Derik said and I nodded.

Derik was a bit possessive of her, but not insanely like overbearing. He was just under lots of pressure as of right now and I wouldn't blame him. If I was a boy and had an innocent, defenseless girlfriend I'd want her safe as well and that's what Lyric was.

'An innocent, defenseless girlfriend of Derik. She doesn't know how to fight and couldn't hold her own against a vampire. I'm surprised that Derik hasn't attempted to teach her how to fight yet.' 'As am I. Although I have heard him discussing it with Lucas a few times.'

To give her basic self defense and teach her how to fire a basic weapon. Simply to keep Lyric safe. And it'd also dial back Derik's protectiveness of her. Because of Kayla he was extremely overprotective of Lyric and I'm pretty sure afraid of losing Lyric. Of not having the light in his life.

Lyric was a sweet girl but was completely unaware of how much Derik was wrapped around her finger. Derik would practically do anything for her. If she wanted something I don't think Derik would even care of the price. He'd find a way to get it. But the two fitted each other.

'Like all mates do. Her sweetness and shyness along with being jealous completes his more cute side along with the overprotective side and the confident side of him. Mates are meant to complement each other, to fit each other perfectly.' Meaning slutty bitches got manwhore jerks. They belonged to each other.

Fit each other. So slutty bitches didn't get the innocent boy who just wants love and they can abuse it. And jerks don't get those sweet, naïve girls as most of them won't change their ways for the girl. So Derik fit Lyric quite well, both nice people who deserved each other.

"Do you think I should teach Lyric how to fire a weapon to defend herself?" Derik asked turning to me. 'And there is the question of the day that we had all been waiting on. Derik teaching Lyric how to defend herself so she isn't a defenseless damsel in distress.'

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