|Chapter 9|

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Anger doesn't even describe the way I feel. Pissed off. Seething with poison ready to kill things that have my secret and want to cause harm with it. It made me want to revive Drake and kill him over and over again for letting my secret out.

Dalton managed to momentarily distract me with homemade mac and cheese and cheeseburgers. 'But of course the thought of someone else with your secret brings you back to the cold harsh reality of the world.' And the cold harsh reality of the world for me was someone had my secret.

That I was an immortal and that thought terrified me beyond belief yet brought a rage within me that outdid the fear. Wanting to find each person and make them submit to silence or face the pistols if they were a threat. But I couldn't do that.

One, The Organization wouldn't be too happy about that. Two, seemed very crazy if you took a step back and looked at it. And three, no one was going to let me do that. 'Not even me as I know it is crazy and makes you seem psycho in a way.'

I looked back at the drawing as I sat in art class. Not even art class seemed to be able to distract me and it was freaking cock blocking my artwork. Preventing all the creative juices from flowing. And the things that did come to my mind weren't the best thing to put down on paper.

They were pretty violent and I wasn't going to start drawing violent pictures. Just because I was angry. I didn't need to be seen as the girl who drew death and gore. 'The one that everyone looks at weirdly because it's horrible but really good.'

I was never going to be that girl. I made pretty pictures not depressing pictures with flowers on graves that are wilting away. If I was going to draw a flower and make it go beyond I'd draw a field of flowers with someone in it. Not a flower sitting on a grave or a close up a flower.

Something where you could see the detail of the petals of the flower. For all I know I might even put a water drop on the petal that is about to fall off and collide with the ground. 'That would actually be very cool.'

Too bad we weren't doing flowers in art class. Nope we were doing still sketching and the professor decided to have us sketch a damn orange. He had some ripe orange sitting on his desk on some fancy chine plate we were supposed to be sketching in as well.

He was grading things and no doubt writing out plans for the next class that we had. Honestly I just wanted class to end so I could go stew somewhere else. Or at least find something to distract myself with. 'You should do some target practice afterwards, that seems to get your mind off of things.'

That it does. My eyes shifted back down to the pen in my hands as I scribbled my name at the bottom of the paper before grabbing my coal sketching pencil. I better just suck it up at this point before I get a zero for a blank piece.

Especially when there was supposed to be an orange on some fancy ass china plate. The professor and his stupid china shit gets on my nerves sometimes. China is so stupid, it's just pretty plates and bowls that you never use, you just let them sit and collect dust in a cupboard.

Instead of using them like a normal person does. 'Well technically he is using it right now. Putting an orange on it to let his students sketch it out.' 'Yeah well . . . I bet at home it just sits and collects dust instead of being used to eat.'

He also had some fancy ass tea seat he had us sketch once. But now here we were having to sketch some orange. Honestly I wanted to smash that orange now. He couldn't do something like a vine of grapes. Least that I wouldn't mind sketching. Vines of grapes were cool.

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