|Chapter 28|

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A traffic system could be complicated at times. To me it had always been complicated. All the computer things that Isabella had been doing seemed complicated and hard to me. They still did, but Isabella took into her own hands for it not to be too complicated.

She had me get her MacBook and hack security systems. I have never been so nervous before in my life. Hacking into a security system for traffic. In attempts to find out how the Vardock family had gotten to America so we could prepare for this war.

'Well it could be useful later on for us. Maybe we'll need to hack things when we're an alpha.' 'Well yeah but I felt like I was taking a test--- no worse than a test. And in front of Isabella no less.' Ash shrugged at that like it didn't matter. But it did.

I didn't want to look like a completely loser in front of Isabella. No that was the last thing I wanted to do. So I listened to everything that came out of Isabella's mouth on this crash hacking course. Everything. No skipping over certain things, I listened like a hawk.

'Well least we are doing a good job of listening. And doing the hacking thing as well.' I actually did to do a good job to my surprise. Now here Isabella and I were sitting in front of her MacBook which was propped open with traffic videos playing on.

Isabella put them in the fast speed and was watching them silently before she'd tell me to move on. "Move on." Isabella said and I nodded before hitting the next button as more videos came up to play. We were going to figure out how the Vardock's came into America.

Especially without us knowing. We knew now and were preparing for war but we didn't know how they had gotten into America. 'And now here we are going to be finding out how they did. In here the hunter comes the hunted. We're about to bust these bastards red-handed in breaking the banishment.'

That we were. This traffic system was at some dock showing cars driving by from the dock. Isabella was silent her royal blue eyes with the silver swirls watching the screen. Picking apart each detail in order to find what she is looking for. And she was now in that 'mood' she had.

'A mood where once she sets her mind to it there is nothing that is going to stop her at all in this world.' 'And she is ready to find out how the Vardock's got here and nothing is going to stop here. Even if she has to go through every security video.'

And Ash and I knew well that's exactly what she'd do. Until she found them she would be here planted in front of the screen looking at videos. I wouldn't have a doubt she'd be sending me out to get frozen mocha drinks or the mocha Coolattas from Dunkin Donuts.

Not a doubt she'd send me out there. 'She'd need the caffeine to keep herself awake and she wouldn't leave here. So naturally she'd call us to send us out. Mostly because we won't tell her no like everyone else will.' Which was true. Very true.

If we didn't find the Vardock transportation before I left she'd still be here. And she'd call for those beverages. And I'd go out in get them for her. When she went to give me money for buying her the drinks I would no doubt turn it away. Like I always did.

And then we'd be drinking these drinks together like usual. A frozen mocha or mocha Coolattas depending on what I got. And we'd be out here, at this desk scanning for information on the Vardock family and how they got into America. And I would help her with this no matter how crazy it may seem.

'Isabella is our girlfriend after all. So we're going to help her with all of these things that are going on at the time.' I nodded in agreement. My eyes shifted back to the screen as more cars drove past and Isabella and I watched.

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