|Chapter 22|

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"The Vardock family?" Andrew asked and I nodded. "Isabella might be dealing with them?" Andrew asked. "Seems like it. Victor gave her videos containing who know what about immortals and some vampires talked about telling the Vardock family about this." I told Andrew.

We were sitting on Orchid's couch, her old couch that had very old cushions and the rest made of wood. Orchid was in the kitchen making lunch for us. Some sort of stew. 'Well it does smell good, Orchid does love her stews. No matter the season it seems to be as well.'

I nodded. "Do mom and dad know about all of this?" Andrew asked and I nodded. "Yeah I told them when we got here. Mom said that she'd look into it. Keep her eyes on all the borders and anything that the vampires could get through." I told Andrew who nodded.

'Feels nice sharing this with our twin. I wonder what Midnight thinks of this whole situation. There is a lot going on and Midnight is very intelligent.' Midnight was Andrew's wolf which made him Ash's twin. Like how Andrew was my twin, Midnight was Ash's twin. We were identical twins.

Ash and Midnight were almost identical in appearance like Andrew and I except Midnight had a dash of white down his chest. The only difference between Ash and Midnight. Of course it stated the  difference between Ash and Midnight in a good way. A way the two of them liked.

'Makes the two of us not be identical and people mistake us like they do to you and Andrew.' They did do that. Especially when we were younger they did that a lot. But now it didn't happen all that often even though we had obvious differences between each other.

Andrew was much more skinny and lean while I was a bit taller than him and of course weighed more than him. Plus my muscles were more obvious than his lean frame of muscles. But we still had the same shade of her, the same crystal blue eyes with the golden flecks.

'The golden flecks increase when Midnight and I teeter near the edge of the surface. It looks really cool when I think about it.' I nodded in agreement with Ash. Our eyes did get that pretty effect when Ash and Midnight came to the surface our eyes would get more golden flecks in our eyes.

Which made it very pretty. It looked very pretty when I thought about it. My gaze turned back to Orchid who took the stew off the stove and came over with a small smile on her face. "Here's the stew." Orchid announced.

"What kind of stew?" Andrew asked biting his lip and looking at Orchid. 'And out comes Andrew's charm that he only works on Orchid as she is the only person vulnerable to it.' "Beef stew, your favorite." Orchid said before pressing a kiss to his cheek making Andrew smile.

"I love you, you know that right Orchid. I love you, so much. Especially when you cook for me, makes me feel special knowing you truly do love me." Andrew said and Orchid smiled. "So how's Isabella doing?" Orchid asking grabbing Andrew's arm and putting it between her chest and holding it firmly.

"Ready to kill some vampires for sure. That Russian family has no idea what is hitting them if they decide to mess with Isabella." I told Orchid. 'Yeah Isabella will roast them like she roasted that coven of vampires. Isabella doesn't mess around at all. She made this quite clear.'

I nodded. "Well if they find out she is an immortal banishment be damned they're coming here." Orchid said. "Why do they hate immortals so much?" I asked and Orchid nodded. 'There is always a story so lets prepare ourselves for this, the story Orchid will tell us.'

"The Vardock family is a prideful family. Centuries ago it was rumored an immortal killed a nice section of their family when they tried to attack a village." Orchid said. 'Well that is a reason, but maybe they shouldn't be such outlaw vampires.' I nodded at that. They were banished from America though.

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