|Chapter 17|

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It felt nice to be back in the duplex once more. Very nice to be in the duplex that I had grown to enjoy over the last three years. This place had become like a home to me. A home that wasn't full of blood and chaos.

My eyes shifted to Maryse who was sitting next to me. "Ok Maryse let's go see my family." I told Maryse as Derik watched me from his duplex. He waved to me before helping Lyric with her things. He would be coming over once they unpacked.

'Once more Lyric opted to stay with Derik for summer break. Although they talked about heading down to meet her family as things are calming down there.' Shaking my head I opened the duplex door and walked into the duplex that had become my home over these three years.

I pushed my suitcases through as Maryse darted inside the duplex to find everyone. Rolling the suitcases through I set them down along with my helmet. Then my gaze shifted to the kitchen where Maryse was wagging her tail. She was no doubt with my brothers and Flimur. I walked into the kitchen.

At the table was Enyr and Ryne and Ryne was petting Maryse. Caesar was sniffing Maryse happy to have his friend back. 'He does enjoy playing with Maryse, she is a good playmate considering she is a hellhound and most hellhounds get rough with regular dogs trying to play.'

Ryne looked up and smiled at me. To my shock Lucas was here as well. Well not too shocking since him and Enyr might as well of been engaged at this point. "How was the trip here?" Ryne asked as Maryse trotted over to Enyr and Lucas to greet them next.

"Fine." I responded nd then Ryne came over and gave me a hug. A tight hug making my face crushed against his chest. Dalton was a lot more gentle about hugs if I let him while my brother was a brute. So in response I squeezed his sides trying to get back at him.

'Oh the joys of being the youngest sister and having two older brothers. Constantly taunting each other, wrestling and all that good stuff. A reason I will not give Dustin a sister.' Dustin, the cambion of Satan. The cambion who can't leave hell and hell limits his powers as well.

Oh well. Ryne let go of me as Enyr smiled not one for all the emotional works of hugging. Lucas on the other hand. As soon as Ryne let go Lucas hugged me tightly and practically picked me. "Ok Lucas that's enough." I made out and Lucas put me down.

"It's nice to have another vessel back in town that is not a toddler who stares you down." Lucas said. 'Oh Isaac is cute for sure. Just a bundle of werewolf who is going to have quite the powers and help with fate. But oh his stares trap people in place quite well.'

"How's Isaac behaving?" I asked. "Good, he's being nice and doesn't touch those powers of Death at all." Lucas said with a smile on his face. I nodded. "Well that's good." I told Lucas who nodded in agreement before his eyes shifted over to my suitcases and then towards Flimur.

"So Flimur is making white cheddar mac and cheese. Homemade, he decided to use white cheddar as you love the Kraft white cheddar. And I'll help you unpack and then text Derik. We're also having some good burgers." Lucas said with a grin on his face as well.

'Mm, that does sound really good. And the Kraft you did love. Imagine how good it will be in homemade form.' I nodded in agreement. Homemade mac and cheese was good enough by itself but now Flimur was adding white cheddar to it making the meal absolutely delicious with those hamburgers as well. . . with cheese.

"I'm taking you up on that offer to unpack Lucas. So lets go to my room we go." I told Lucas who nodded and then off we were with Lucas handling the suitcases. Doing all the grunt work while I moved off to my room happy to be home.
"So how was college?" Lucas asked as we sat on my bed. "It was alright. Dalton takes me out to lunch and dinner typically and then I go work that all of with him. Being here will mean lots of more exercise. I'm definitely going to do some training to refresh myself." I told Lucas.

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