|Chapter 11|

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Burgers. Honest to god burgers were in front of me, like the actual diner burgers. Things I've never eaten before. Of course what should I expect from Victor? He was always very old school in the things he picked for us to eat.

Some hole in the wall diner. Now I had gotten familiar with diners since Dalton liked taking me out for lunch and dinner. I actually enjoyed those times with him. 'The times full of talking about college and life while dining over some greasy chicken sandwiches and for him burgers.'

But this was something different. Dalton was classy when it came to getting food, he never took anything left. And yes Dalton managed to find classy diners that didn't have super greasy food, greasy but not typically greasy like most diner food. Just the good amount of grease in a way.

Not enough to make it dripping but just enough for it to be considered dinner food. So Dalton kept it classy with his food. Lunch tended to be diners, typically some cool retro ones while if he saved some money up from the every two weeks money he got from his mom he took us out somewhere fancy.

'Yes Danielle sends all her boys money every two weeks for while their in college to help them out.' 'While back at home they have to help with her bouquet. That is how Danielle works, rewarding her kids and paying them money when they work or are in college.'

The college part was needed so they could function. Danielle told them as long as they were getting good grades in college she'd pay them money. She offered to do it for Derik and I but we told her we could still do our hunting jobs and college.

Danielle was sweet but I wasn't going to take advantage of her and take her money. But here I was with a freaking greasy ass diner burger as Victor ate his greasy ass loaded double king burger and extra salty fries. Like extra salty with the salt gleaming on it.

Relish, mustard and ketchup leaked onto the basket. ' Cause' they loaded that sucker up good. Some big greasy ass burger covered in pickles, onions, cheese, lettuce and loaded with relish mustard, and ketchup.' Victor probably picked the most greasy hole in the wall diner for us to meet up.

I had ordered a bacon cheeseburger and that burger was greasy the plate covered in grease with a basket of unsalted fries. I made them do it for I can put on the salt myself and have fresh fries as well. A trick that I had learned from eating fast food constantly back when I was traveling to hunt.

'Lesson learned. New York is crawling with supernatural meaning living there typically means lots of good jobs.' That it did so New York became my home base since I came here to deal with some rogues and met everyone.

Sure NYC was a dump full of rats and thieves but Greenburg was a good town. Divided between the supernatural, but it was a good town. Home to Black Crescent Moon for one, a coven of vampires run by Kane and Orchid's iffy coven.

The coven I want to destroy at times since they are such assholes at times. I'm honestly surprised Orchid hasn't dumped their asses yet. I would of. 'Yeah but you don't put up with shit like Orchid will. If they give you shit you fuck them up then leave then in the dirt.'

Guilty as charged.

I don't take shit from anyone, you want to give me shit? Then your about to see a side of Isabella that no one wants to see. A side that everyone liked to keep in control as it got ugly. Derik told me I should go to the therapist to see if I was bipolar.

I told him it could be kept a secret and I didn't care. Who cares if I was bipolar? Just another thing to the list with having PTSD. "So do you got the things?" I asked Victor who looked at me after taking a big bite of his burger.

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