|Chapter 8|

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The shower ran hot water which beat down on my skin which rinsed off all the dirt and grime on my body. The shower had red swirling at the bottom. Blood. Blood from the hybrid and from some of the blood in Maryse's fur.

The red stained the water a pinkish color before swirling down the drain as I scrubbed my hair down letting the water rinse everything off. Isabella was currently out in the dorm sitting down on the couch no doubt very pissed off over everything that had been happening.

'Well that hybrid did just up and confront her about her secret and Isabella thought her secret was safe but turns out it is not.' I nodded as my eyes shifted to the soaps that decorated the tubs. Magic in the Air was one of them making me smile just a bit.

I used scentless soap and shampoo and conditioner so I knew all of these things were Isabella. After all this was Isabella's dorm so all of these things would be Isabella's or Angel's. I decided to use Angel's scentless soap and scrubbed it in before rinsing myself off once more and turning off the shower.

Moving aside the shower curtain I stepped out and grabbed the plush black towel and wrapped it around my waist. 'I do hope she is ok out there and is not as pissed off as she was when we came back to the dorm.' I shrugged.

It was best to let Isabella cool off. Letting Isabella cool off was the best thing to do so in that amount of time I took a shower to rid myself of the dirt, sweat and some of the blood on me. Now I felt clean and new, no longer dirty from the hunt.

Taking one of the small clean towels I dried off my hair and which fluffed it up some before taking the comb on the counter and putting it through my hair as the water droplets glided down my chest and I wiped some of them away.

'I'm sure she is calmed down at least a bit, when we are done we should go out and make her some dinner though. Probably one of her favorite foods will be the best way to go for sure.' Maybe lasagna or homemade mac and cheese. Maybe even some baked ziti or whatever she wanted in the end.

With my hair now completely combed out I dropped the towel and dried off my legs before turning to my clothes I grabbed. I put on a pair of my plain black boxers and then my pajama pants covered in dragons and then a loose fitting shirt.

Now completely dressed I open the door to the bathroom and headed out. 'Yeah defiantly dinner for Isabella and I'm hungry as well so killing two birds with one stone.' Moving my hair from my face I stepped out into the living room and looked at the couch where Isabella was sitting down.

She was cleaning off her guns with a rag full of some sort of cleaning spray. Her eyes were narrowed at the gun and if they were lasers it'd be a melted pile of silver and steel goo. "What do you want for dinner, I'll make it for us." I told Isabella catching her attention.

"A cheeseburger with homemade mac and cheese." Isabella responded and I nodded before heading into the kitchen and pulling out all the ingredients. 'That does sound like some good dinner. Some delicious juice cheeseburgers and some cheesy mouthwatering mac and cheese is the perfect thing.'

And a good way to get Isabella's mind off of this hybrid for sure. Starting up the pot of water to boil I put a pan on and turned the stove on before taking out four hamburger patties and putting them on before sprinkling some spicy seasoning on them as I got a spatula out.

Two big boxes of elbows were out in case Angel came with Nico and they wanted some or whoever else showed up. 'So we don't end up having to make some more of that and take time away from spending time with Isabella.' Yeah that was what I wanted.

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