|Chapter 14|

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Isabella and I were sorting through the files with our sandwiches in our hands. Both of us had finished our onion rings and were now working on the sandwiches. And of course all the files laid out for us to work on of course.

My sandwich was in one hand while one file was in the other as I sorted through it. Isabella brought out a notebook and was marking down names. 'The ones we think might be the most suspicious out of them all, the ones to do background checks on and all that stuff.'

I nodded in agreement after taking a bite of my spicy crispy chicken sandwich with everything on it. "Write down Bernard Irvine." I told Isabella and she put a star next to it as well. "What species?" Isabella asked and I looked back at the paper and info on the guy.

"He's a vampire, one of the contacts of the coven that was messing with us." I told Isabella who nodded before writing it down. She then took a bite of her sandwich. 'Seems getting some fast food to go over files full of possible enemies was the best way to go as she's enjoying it.'

I nodded in agreement with Ash. This was a good thing to do. Isabella and I went back to searching for names before putting aside the files and then she grabbed her laptop and brought it to her lap before opening an email.

"What's this?" I asked. "Things Victor sent me, videos of people talking about immortals and all those things on video." Isabella said and I nodded as she pulled up some videos for us to watch. She had a big MacBook, not one of those tiny ones, meaning it was expensive.

'Of course The Organization provides it as she refuses to pay more than $600 for a laptop. She has an HP laptop in blue as her personal laptop that she got quite the deal on.' She did. It was a $500 dollar laptop and she paid $100 for it to be delivered and the first payment.

When she made the second payment her bank denied it so she got her bank all set up. They just never shipped another bill out. So a $500 dollar laptop or more became a cheap laptop and Isabella took it with arms wide open as she loved cheap prices.

'She checks all those coupons and saves Hot Cash for Hot Topic like it's gold.' But whatever worked for Isabella. My mom enjoyed saving as well. So I wasn't going to complain about Isabella and her money saving ways. It'd probably be useful later on in life when we move in together.

I set down one filed having cleared the entire file by now as Isabella scooted over to me and put the laptop on her leg and one on mine. This left her bare skin pressed against my soft gym shorts. Isabella was more of in some cooling off clothes.

A Harley Quinn tank top and a pair of shorts as the weather was getting nice once more. Having her skin pressed against me even if it was just my shorts was nice. 'Her skin isn't soft like those girls but it isn't all rough and dry like she doesn't take care of it.'

I nodded in agreement just as Isabella hit play. Two burly vampires pulled up making us both go silent to watch the video and see what secrets and anything that could help us that laid in this video. Anything that could help Isabella with her little quest.

The room they were in was dingy and crawling with bugs. I identified some woman they fed off of in a lump curled up. 'I wonder if she is even alive, she doesn't look all that good.' "So he sent you things about immortals?" One of them asked as I watched the video.

"Yeah he said that the immortals are back and blah, blah, blah. This guy is mental, Drake. He thinks he's all that and can overcome so many larger covens then him." The other one said. 'Yes which resulted in Isabella killing him without a second thought after he told her to be a lab rat.'

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