|Chapter 4|

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Isabella had always been an. . . interesting and. . . colorful person. So, I guess that might of been what drew me into her. She seemed to not take no for an answer. That might of been what attracted me to her.

'Next to the fact that she is our mate and we had been waiting to get our for almost a year, heading towards a year. And then boom she hit us full speed in the hallway.' But I got to know Isabella throughout the three years we've been friends.

And then moved past friends to a romantic relationship which showed another side. A more docile side. . . no calm side of Isabella. There was nothing docile about Isabella. But she loosened up around me once we began dating. She let me in some more and I saw more of who Isabella really was.

Sometimes I forget how headstrong Isabella can be until it comes out at full speed. 'When absolutely no one is prepared that headstrong temper takes a reel and shows itself. Then no one expects it so it's hard to contain.' And that is true and we were having one of those moments.

"What do you mean you only serve the mini sliders at lunch?" Isabella asked her grip tight on the plate making her knuckles go white. Maryse sat next to her eyeing the chef down. "The sliders are a lunch specialty not a dinner specialty." The chef said.

The only thing on Isabella's plate was the mac and cheese and a yeast roll. "Well I want a slider." Isabella said. "We don't make sliders for dinner." The chef said with a bored expression. "Well you can make an exception for me." Isabella said glaring at the chef.

His eyes trailed down to her chest. 'Oh, I want to knock him out now, she isn't showing him cleavage to get a slider. She doesn't even show us cleavage what she wants. No it's more of a 'Give me what I want and I won't break your nose' sort of thing going on.'

"No." The chef said with a smirk. "Isabella." I said grabbing her arm. The chef watched and rolled his eyes. Now I agreed with Ash on the knocking out part. "Let's just find something else to eat, he's not making an exception for you." I told her staring the chef down.

While keeping myself close to Isabella to state a point to the chef. 'To keep those perverted eyes off a women that isn't his before I cut them out.' Well something like that. Just no cutting out eyes. Ash grumbled at that as he had plans. So Isabella might be giving him some ideas.

Isabella glared at the chef as I pulled her away from that situation to defuse that. We didn't need another scene where she breaks someone's nose because they said something to her. "I want a slider." Isabella said as I brought her to a different section far away from the grill section.

Successfully defused. 'More of a close call then a defusing it.' 'But we still managed to defuse that and not have that chef knocked out.' Ash nodded knowing that was true. We did manage to do that which was good so the chef was still there and well.

Not injured. Which was a very good, we didn't need to get kicked out of Golden Corral when we hadn't even eaten yet. "Seriously Dalton?" Isabella asked with a look of irritation on her face. "You can go knock out the chef. . . once we are done with our meal." I told Isabella.

Isabella's gaze shifted to the cocky chef who didn't even seem bugged by Isabella's death stare. Something he would soon regret and I knew that very well. 'It is a very stupid idea to underestimate Isabella as it will come bite you in the ass later on.'

"So just pick some meat for now and I promise I'll take you out at lunchtime one day so you can get some sliders." I told Isabella who grinded her teeth together. She didn't look all that pleased at having to do that. But thankfully she didn't protest just gave the chef mean looks.

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