|Chapter 7|

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"I really do hate hybrids." I told Maryse as I pushed the body of the dead hybrid. Maryse simply glanced at me then at the dead hybrid who had steam coming from the bullet wounds that covered it's dead body.

"Well least we lost those hybrids." I heard Dalton say as he came up putting on his shirt. 'Yes you lost the hellhound-werewolves and gained the regular vampire-werewolf hybrids.' Yeah. So now we had to deal with this psycho ass hybrid who couldn't decide which urge he wanted to lean towards more.

Tearing into people like a rogue or draining people dry of blood like a Forsaken. He became something more of in the middle. The wolf has mangy black fur even worse than rogues and was missing patches of fur everywhere. 'Looks very ugly, even rogues are better than look at then this hybrid.'

And that was true. Inside this hybrids mouth was packed full of canines that wolves had not to mention fangs like a vampire. It was pretty ugly. I knew a hybrid, his name was Leif and he was more better looking in wolf form than this one. This thing was just plain ass ugly nothing could save it.

Not a thing out there could make it look pretty. "Well at least it's dead." Dalton said and I nodded in agreement while staring at the hybrid. Maryse was at my heels with her tongue rolling out of her mouth and her red eyes staring down the hybrid.

'Well the hybrid is dead as can be and now you get the money for executing this nuisance.' Yes I did, a nice life. A dangerous one, but it was nice as well. Provided good money considering that it had some danger to it.

But the more dangerous the more money you earned from it. A reason I took on the expensive jobs. "It's been more than a year since we last saw a hybrid." Dalton commented and I nodded in agreement with what Dalton had said as it was true when I thought about it.

A year. 'The last time there was an abundance of hybrids was around Pexhar was thought it'd be appropriate to rise up against me.' Hybrids became a part of our daily life around then, but they disappeared from our lives after we defeated The First. Now here sat a hybrid, not the typical one but a hybrid.

A crazy one who wanted to do nothing but maim, maul, and kill. Nothing else than that but be a nuisance to the world and kill people. Brushing some hair from my face I bent down and stared at the body. "Do you think it's an older hybrid?" I asked.

Dalton shrugged. "Could be or a newer one as it was very violent." Dalton suggested as Maryse decided to trot off and secure the perimeter while Dalton stayed with me as I dug out the bullets from the body which stopped the annoying steaming as I got my phone out.

I put a text in to the body crew and some pin points and locations. 'And there you irritating the body crew once more.' 'No worries they won't have to deal with me as I'll be leaving before they're asses arrive here.'

I turned to Dalton as I pocketed the bullets. "So you want to go get something to eat now?" I asked Dalton with a small smile on my face trying to keep things casual and not overdone. "After killing a hybrid?" Dalton asked and of course I nodded.

"Well yeah. Its to celebrate ridding the world of a nuisance." I told Dalton. 'Does sound like a logical thing to celebrate. Means a few less deaths in the world.' I nodded in agreement. "Ok where do you want to go?" Dalton asked and I bit my lip.

"How does Taco Bell sound?" I asked Dalton. "Yeah that's fine, not too expensive and not too shitty tasting." Dalton responded and I smiled as I looked around for Maryse. "Maryse?" I called out and looked around just as she came rushing back and howled at me as a wolf came rushing behind her.

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