|Chapter 34|

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Ash was still rushing through the field taking on any vampire when he caught Isabella's eye. Lurking in the back could be boring. And Ash knew that. And now so did I. 'Well boring is actually better than tense since you know there is a war.'

I nodded at Ash. Ash however had his eyes on Isabella who was staring across the field of vampires and to the woods. The woods where the vampires were emerging. You could see hounds of hell flying by taking down the vampires in there, courtesy of Satan.

'Which is of course working to our advantage. It leaves less vampires for us to have to tear apart and deal with.' I nodded at that. Most of us were fairing well against the Vardock vampire, I had seen one die. And it was a younger vampire who got staked by a Vardock.

The moment it happened a werewolf came crashing by into the vampire and two bodies of dust blew away in the wind. Kane went off on the vampires at the death of his coven member. But this war wasn't going to be won without the dead and the injured.

But we were going to try to keep it to injured. My dad was crashing through the field followed by my mom tag teaming vampires. My dad held vampires down while my mom dashed at them and tore heads off. 'In an attempt to show power between the mated.'

But Isabella caught our eye. Where she was staring stood two vampires. An older man vampire with his head balding. And then a female vampire with wrinkles. Isabella had sort froze up in the war and Ash had taken it upon himself to keep any vampires away from her that took advantage.

Isabella just stopped responding and her eyes sort of glazed over, the silver becoming more pronounced as she stared off. But now her anger filled eyes settled on those two vampires. All I saw was Isabella cocked her gun before walking across the field shooting any vampire down who got in her way.

And many vampire flew in front of her, all Vardock vampires and she took them down. Maryse helped her as well flying at any vampires that dared to near Isabella. It was like Isabella had locked down on those two vampires. And now they were her targets and it wasn't going to change.

'She's going after those vampires. . . without a doubt. They are elders, I can tell that. They might be the head of the family.' 'And Isabella is going after them. . . and she might be going alone. We can't let her go alone at all.'

Isabella alone fighting them was a recipe for disaster. And right now she wasn't caring if anyone followed her. Her eyes were locked on those vampires, and she had a target acquired written across her forehead. She was going after those vampires, and no one, nothing could stop her from going after her. Not a thing.

So there was only one thing Ash and I could do. And that was to follow her, and wait for her to attack them. If she got put at disadvantage Ash would help shred those vampires to pieces. So with a quick tear Ash took the heart of a Vardock vampire out and bit down.

The body fell into dust as Ash watched Isabella as she then took off after the vampires who turned around and ran. Luring Isabella into the forest. Right into their trap. With a howl I noted them of what was going on.

'Now we have an Isabella to track and keep safe for nothing bad happens and Isabella gets injured. As that will be happening over my dead body. Those vampires harming Isabella.' Ash nodded as he looked at the battlefield more vampires surging out. Ash growled before lunging forward and taking a vampire down.

The two rolled before the head hit the ground and Ash surged out his fur rustling in the wind as he dodged oncoming vampires. Garrick leapt through the air and took one out as Maryse chased after Ash to keep him defended as he raced through the woods.

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