|Chapter 20|

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Isabella was sitting on the couch and I was next to her. Alana and Kadan were on the loveseat and Alana was talking to Isabella. "Well I don't have all those grueling exams of waiting. Once I'm done, I just submit the exam." Alana told Isabella.

She was comparing her online college to our college. Alana was enrolled in NYU but she decided to do online college to spend more time with Isadora. She wanted to be a mother while she did classes and not have Isadora raised by her grandparents.

'Despite their little schedule they did to make sure one of them was always with Isadora.' 'But it did limit time to themselves, so I guess this way is easier for them.' Kadan had an arm around Alana. "Well the headmaster is scared of me." Isabella said with a smirk on her face proud at that.

"I'm not surprised." Alana added and Isabella grinned. "He wouldn't give me a vacation so I held him at gunpoint for not doing it. Now if I want a vacation well I get it." Isabella said with a smirk on her face at that of course.

'Well she did work to get that. Hired some burly hunters to even back her up with all of that that she used to make a point to the headmaster.' Yeah and since then the headmaster lets us leave whenever we want for vacation afraid that he might be held at gunpoint once more.

And of course Isabella also scared him into silence as well. She told him if he talked she'd be making another appearance. A very violent appearance which would end with him in the obituaries. Those were some of Isabella's words at least. Something about him being in the obituaries and blah, blah, blah. Things like that is what I know.

She wasn't very friendly about it for sure. 'Yeah, it's best not to get on Isabella's bad side unless you want to one day end up in the obituaries.' I nodded in agreement.

"So how is the whole immortal thing going?" Alana asked and I tried my best not to sigh. Isabella tensed up. "Fine. . . just some complications." Isabella said and Kadan looked at me and raised an eyebrow no doubt expecting an answer from me. Typically I wouldn't tell this but Kadan was my best friend.

'And he is part of our pack and deserves to know what is going on. Plus Kadan would never tell anyone any of Isabella's secrets. Kadan was someone we can trust and we know that. After all he is going to be our beta. And Alana is sweet.'

'What is it?' Kadan asked mind-linking me. 'The vampires. Vardock family, they don't like immortals and some vampires are planning to spread the rumors of an immortal returning. Apparently the Vardock and the immortals didn't get along all that well.' I told Kadan mind-link him back giving him the answer.

Alana looked at our glazed over eyes and she no doubt knew we were mind-linking each other. When werewolves mind-linked our eyes glazed over giving a glass like effect. It's like we left the world for a moment. 'Well we are so focused while mind-linking moisture can build up giving a glass like effect to our eyes.'

It's how you could tell if werewolves were mind-linking. "Well things are doing good around here. I know Danielle and Jackson found a few rogues trying to cross the border. They sent some warriors and scared them off." Alana said and Kadan nodded in agreement with that.

I nodded. 'So many things happen when we aren't around. It's weird and unusual in a way and makes me question things.' I shrugged. Life wasn't going to halt and wait for us to come back while we were in college. And we learned that the hard way with the vampire coven.

"So, when are you going to let Dalton mark you?" Alana asked and I almost choked on thin air. "Do what now?" Isabella asked and Alana smiled. She moved her shirt revealing the mark Kadan gave her. "A mark you know, when a werewolf marks their mate, when will you let Dalton mark you?" Alana asked.

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