|Chapter 12|

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I had decided to make a family dinner at the college. Nico more of suggested it after discovering what had Isabella had antsy. That some supernatural had her secret of her being an immortal. After that Nico suggested that we have a big dinner.

After all summer was coming up and our classes would be ending which would allow us to go back to Greenburg. It was June so it was getting a bit nicer than before. In the sixties and the dorm had a grill outside so Nico decided we should grill some things.

'At least it didn't rain like the forecast suggested it would and all the snow has melted from the earth and we don't have to deal with that.' That was true. But we were now having a nice little family dinner being planned. Nico and I went and bought all the food.

We bought some seasons and a bunch of ribs to grill. We bought elbow noodles and four bags of sharp cheddar to make some homemade mac and cheese. That was what we were having for dinner. Seasoned barbeque ribs and homemade mac and cheese.

My dad taught us how to grill food so Nico was outside grilling the ribs while I was inside in the dorm with two huge pots of mac and cheese going. Huge pots for all of us after all. There was Andrew, Angel, Derik, Freya, Love, Lyric, Nico, Rodney, Rory, Isabella and then me of course.

'So a lot of hungry mouths and only two of them aren't eating for two when think about it so we needs lots and lots of food.' That's how it worked when you were feeding werewolves. My mother bought in bulk more like triple bulk though.

Although now she only has to feed six including herself instead of nine to eleven like she used to. So my mom doesn't have to buy as much food as she used to back when she had all of us living there. But my dad grilled food all the time on the grill.

And he always kept the grills up to date getting much better new ones when he could. The grill at the dorm wasn't a good new one like my dad made sure ours were but it was better than no grill though. Nico was currently out there grilling up some food.

'Some delicious food for all of us to eat and enjoy once it comes off of the grill.' I was standing in front of the stove making sure that the base for the cheese sauce would thicken while the elbow noodles sat in the sink in a strainer.

I looked over to see the door open and Nico come in with two huge platters full of barbeque ribs before he set them down on the table. "Is the mac and cheese almost done?" Nico asked. "Just got to get this to thicken. Pour in the cheese in each pots and then it's done." I told Nico.

Nico nodded. "I'm going to start calling everyone to invite them over." Nico said and I nodded as one pot thickened and I got the bags of cheese out and poured the cheese in before stirring the cheese into the sauce until it melted.

'Now there is a big blob of cheese sauce waiting for the mac and cheese to be poured into it.' 'And we make the sauce extra cheesy.' Ash smiled. I grabbed one strainer and dumped the noodles in before sprinkling some shredded cheese on top to make it a bit more cheesy.

Now with one pot done and made into homemade mac and cheese I shifted my attention to the other one and was happy to see it had thickened. Once more I melted the cheese into the sauce and stirred it up until the sauce was thick enough.

Then I poured the noodles into the cheese sauce and stirred that up before once more sprinkling some shredded cheese. 'Now all we have to do is wait for everyone to come. We should make sure Isabella's favorite barbeque sauce is here though.' I nodded in agreement and went to the fridge.

And yes it was there. Isabella loved the bull's eye barbeque sauce. I took that out as Nico came back in. "They are all on their way over." Nico responded and I nodded at that as my gaze shifted to the grilled ribs, some baked potatoes Nico decided to grab to grill and then the homemade mac and cheese.

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