Vampire Takeover

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"Lucinda, it will be alright.  Maybe she won't be picked," Amaryllis' father Joseph said to her mother. He was trying to comfort Amaryllis' mother who, along with the rest of the family, just discovered that the King would be visiting their town.

Amaryllis herself didn't display a dramatic outward show of expression like her mother who was desperately crying in the kitchen. Instead, she sat on the living room couch staring at a picture on the wall of their family that was taken before the vampires took over.

The photo was taken ten years ago whenever Amaryllis was eight, just days before the take-over. The family was at a picnic with friends, unknowingly enjoying their last few days with each other. Soon after this picture was taken, the vampires emerged from the darkness and took over the world.

Before, vampires were just fictional characters in storybooks but were also real beings that lived in the shadows. No human had ever seen one before because that was the way the vampires wanted it. They did not want pesky humans in their business. However, ten years ago they had a change of heart. They decided humans were an inferior species that needed put in their place.

Within days, all of the humans were round up and divided into small towns in order for the vampires to keep better control of them. They also forced the humans to abide by their laws and if they did not, they would be killed.

No one was allowed to leave their assigned town. Families hadn't seen their loved ones in a decade. Amaryllis hadn't seen her grandparents, aunts, uncles, or cousin in ten years. She missed spending holidays like Christmas with her whole family. Another law enforced by vampires, human holidays were no longer allowed to be celebrated.

There was one school per town that taught basic education. If a child wanted to take honors classes, their parents would have to teach them because the vampires didn't want to exhaust their efforts on teaching the puny, inferior humans. However, there were also classes dedicated to vampire culture and customs, history, and the way the Royal monarchy worked.

Amaryllis was a very smart young girl. She taught herself everything she knew that wasn't taught in school. She excelled in school but wished there were more challenging courses available to her. She had dreams of growing up to be a doctor, specifically an endocrinologist. She wanted to be able to help people with hormonal problems or other issues in their bodies that may prevent them from living their healthiest life. Now that vampires had taken over and there were limited jobs for humans, she would probably only ever be a clerk at the one and only grocery store the town had.

Amaryllis' twenty-year-old brother, Luca, was sitting on the couch right beside her; his hand was wrapped around her own. "It's going to be okay," he told her but didn't look her in the eyes. Amaryllis tried to believe him, but she still felt sick to her stomach. She may be picked, or her few friends may be picked. They may never see each other ever again.

Amaryllis didn't think she was pretty, knew if for a fact actually, so there was no possible way the King would choose her. Ever since the takeover, girls at school had been cruel to her. She only had two friends, but they were way more popular than her. Kids at school bullied her and picked on her, teased her for how she looked, and for the clothes she wore. Amaryllis didn't know why. While she knew she wasn't pretty, she did not think she was exactly ugly either. Amaryllis was sure the King would not choose her, for why would such a powerful man pick such a simple looking girl.

Amaryllis had strawberry blonde hair that reached her hips, green eyes, and fair skin. Freckles also littered her face. She stood at about 5'6, not too short or too tall. She was also not skinny or obese. She had a curvy body and extra pudge, something kids bullied her for her whole life. Amaryllis knew she didn't have the most attractive body, but she did not think her shape was horrible either.

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