We Will Be Your Family

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Amaryllis woke up to the feeling of a rough hand moving up her inner thigh. She opened her eyes and saw that Ulric's eyes were still closed. She trailed her eyes down his body as he unconsciously rubbed her leg with his hand.

She sucked in a deep breath when she got to the bottom of the happy trail that led to the center of the V in his abdomen.

"Oh," she whispered when his hand crept inside her sleeping shorts and brushed against the crease where her pelvis met her thigh. She looked up and saw that he was still asleep. He must be having a naughty dream, she thought to herself.

Biting her lip, she gripped his arm in her hand as his fingers moved closer to her center. When he traced his finger right down the center of her core, she let out a loud yelp.

"Ulric, I know you aren't asleep you sneaky vampire," she chastised.

He let out this grumbling sound, one she assumed was a laugh. "Hey!" She exclaimed when he pulled her panties to the side.

He wiggled his fingers over here before pushing one finger into her and rubbing over her clit with another.

She looked up at his face and saw his dark black eyes staring back at her. He bent his head and captured her lips as he moved his finger in and out. She mewled around his tongue and rocked herself closer to his finger.

"Good girl," he whispered into her ear as she took another one of his long fingers.

"Oh my," she squeaked as his second finger entered her. It was still a very foreign feeling as this had only happened once before, but she felt her body relaxing around his fingers.

"Can you take another finger, little mate?" Ulric asked as he rubbed circles across her bundle of nerves.

"I-I I don't know," she stuttered out of both pleasure and uncertainty.

"Why don't we find out," he suggested. He began sliding his third finger into her, feeling as her wet entrance accepted him, though with much resistance. "You're so fucking tight." He couldn't wait to sink himself into her.

She sucked in a deep breath as he added his third digit. It didn't feel that good. It hurt at first as she had only ever had two of his fingers in her at once. After he thrust his three fingers in and out a few times, pleasure started to replace the pain. She found herself grinding her core against his fingers to relieve the build-up of pressure.

"Ah ah ah," he said and placed his big hand on her stomach to slow her movements. "Stay still, or I won't give you what you crave," he commanded. She listened.

With much restraint, she listened to him, fearful of his imposing threat. She pulled back from rocking against his fingers and he thrust them harder and harder into her. Finally, he curled his fingers and hit a spot he had never touched before, and Amaryllis let go.

"Mmmm!" She cried as immense pleasure rippled over her. After she came down from her release, she looked up into her mates eyes. He stared back at her with a smile gracing his lips and a lustful look in his eyes.

"Good morning," he replied, removing his fingers from inside of her. It took all of her willpower not to whimper at the now empty feeling she felt within her.

"Good morning," she answered back. It was a pretty good morning.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. Thank you for bringing me in here," she said in reference to the bedroom as the last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the couch with him the night before.

He let his fingers dance through her hair, feeling the soft strands caress his skin. She's gorgeous, he thought to himself. The most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

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